Feeling rusty


RefChat Addict
Hopefully it wont be too much longer before we are all back with the whistle.

Is anyone else feeling a bit nervous about the return, im actually worried about what things il forget and what decisions il get wrong and ive never been like that.

Ive had a nose through the LOTG book this week but not quite the same as back in the middle.
A&H International
I guess it's going to be the same for everyone. Players are going to be rusty and off the pace too in the first couple of games. I'll be glad just to be back on the FOP.
Opposite for me, cant wait, training 5 times a week with no end result is depressing
Its never happened to me but guess its like someone being out injured for 6 months?
My longest and only been a month
Crowds of 5000 or less allowed in France from mid-July
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I'm dreading it tbh.

I lost two/three months of fitness training. I usually train 90% of the time in the gym, and that's been shut. I also used to live in an area where running wasn't ideal.

I'm training with the running now, but I'm not confident tbh. Fitness test was pencilled in for next month as well, and I need to do the 3rd cat for the FIFA International Test. So... no pressure?

We'll see how it goes.
I’m with you. I went travelling back end of last year, came back to dreadful weather and now this, so I’m yet to do a game in 2020. Very nervous! Feel like a newbie again
100% I think it's only natural to get pre-game nerves, we all do.
Try and do as many friendly OR charity matches as possible before the season starts so when it comes down to your league fixtures, you should feel back into it.
I’m with you. I went travelling back end of last year, came back to dreadful weather and now this, so I’m yet to do a game in 2020. Very nervous! Feel like a newbie again
I've got the opposite problem coming up - I was still going up until the lockdown, but even if football started up again next week, I'm not going to be doing a match until early 2021.
I suffered an Achilles injury about a month ago in training so I’ve put all thought of games on hold. Weight has gone up and all the good work I was putting in has gone out of the window.

Frustrtingly some guys from my RA started an informal training session once a week and I’ve not been able to join them. If nothing else the camaraderie would get me through.
My son's new team (he changed clubs last month) will begin to train three times a week, including on Saturday, starting next week. I'm going to grab the whistle and work their small-sided scrimmages. Very low-pressure way for me to work on angles, holding the whistle for advantages, foul recognition, etc. I'm not worried about knowledge of the laws. I am more concerned about getting back into match fitness and having my normal feel for the game. I'm training 5-6 times a week (four running sessions, 2-3 strength sessions), but nothing beats getting onto the field for a match.