Most annoying reaction to correct decisions


RefChat Addict
As a contrast to my 'Favourite Decisions' thread how about this to bring us back to earth! ;)

I had one of Saturday (U18s) and reminded me how much it irritates me

2 'nibbles' by defender, I try to let go to see if attacker can keep advantage, 3rd one he goes over - blow - foul - on we go, but oh no attacker! has a moan.

"Come on ref!" - Come on ref what? I said to him yes saw the first two, tried to play advantage, couldn't , you have the free kick, get on with it.

Really bugs me, players moaning even when you give them the free kick!

Over to you!
A&H International
Attacker is chasing a ball into a corner, putting pressure on the defender. Jumps in to try and block a clearance, doesn't manage to get there in time and gets caught by the defender in his (entirely natural) follow through.

For whatever reason, my spidey senses tingled and I kept half an eye on it, so I manage to see the attacker kick out from the floor in retaliation, catching the defender on the shin. "Easy red card" I think, so I blow and start to move in to disperse the mass con that is already looking likely. But I'm probably the 2nd or 3rd closest person to the two players in question, so am thinking that my chances of getting in with a quick red to calm things down might be pretty high.

And I find my way blocked by the giant centre-half captain of the defending side, who instead of going in to calm things down, has chosen to turn round so that his back is to the incident and move towards me to shout "Ref, he's kicked him, what are you gonna do about it??" over and over. By the time I manage to convince him to stop blocking me so I can get past, 4 or 5 other players have already piled in, so all I can do is stand back, blast the whistle, pick up on an extra yellow for each side and wait for it to calm down.

Frustrating as I feel like the opportunity was there to just make the right decision and get out without any major incident - instead, we had a mass con and a few bonus yellows on top. It occurred to me afterwards that I maybe could have sin-binned the captain for dissenting a decision I hadn't even had a chance to give yet....might technically have been a bit unfair, but would have felt well-deserved at the time!
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Player whom you give a free kick against (or not give a free kick to) is happy with the decision but three of his team mates are moaning, one of them 30 yards away.
Player whom you give a free kick against (or not give a free kick to) is happy with the decision but three of his team mates are moaning, one of them 30 yards away.

Usually one of them is the goalkeeper - the furthest player away from the incident!
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For me, it's being an AR and the correct decisions I don't flag!! (If you catch my drift).

Last weekend's FA Vase match a prime example:

Play is over on my side, perhaps 20 yards up the touchline away from me to my left near half-way. A challenge comes in from home team player, the referee (who's no more than 12 yards away from it) decides it's a fair challenge and lets play continue. Cue the uproar from the away team bench and players who then all turn to me shouting "Come on Lino - you saw that!!". :rolleyes: This one is normally followed by the old cliche "Come on Lino - you've gotta help the ref out there!". :rolleyes:

Nothing boils my piss more than the above.

Harrumph. :mad:
There's loads.

1) Vase middle at the weekend. Player challenges for the ball and wins it, but also catches the defender on the way through, simple careless tackle, right in front of the dugouts, both me and my AR signal for it.

Manager gives me "he got the ball, you can't give a foul" and is incredulous because of course winning the ball is the only consideration.

2) Give a free kick in attacking third, getting everything set up and then a player gets unhappy when he strolls up and asks if he can"go quickly" and I say no!

3) Same game as 1 above. Played an advantage and the player then makes a mess of it. Skipper comes up and says "ref, insert what you're trying do, but we'd prefer the free kick". 20 minutes later he gets fouled on the edge of his own penalty area, I give the free kick and he asks message why I didn't play the advantage!
As a contrast to my 'Favourite Decisions' thread how about this to bring us back to earth! ;)

I had one of Saturday (U18s) and reminded me how much it irritates me

2 'nibbles' by defender, I try to let go to see if attacker can keep advantage, 3rd one he goes over - blow - foul - on we go, but oh no attacker! has a moan.

"Come on ref!" - Come on ref what? I said to him yes saw the first two, tried to play advantage, couldn't , you have the free kick, get on with it.

Really bugs me, players moaning even when you give them the free kick!

Over to you!
Had the same yesterday in U18s. Played one of my best advantages ever, he passed it to a teammate who missed from 10 yards out. He moaned he should’ve got a free kick. 15 mins later and the same player gets tripped on the edge of his own box, I immediately blow for a defensive FK and he started moaning I didn’t play advantage, whilst surrounded by attackers 🤦🏻‍♂️
Most frustrating I had was an u16 coach a couple of weeks ago. He was claiming for anything and everything. Most of them were “fouls” which weren’t, so I wasn’t giving anything. Every so often he’d claim for one that was a foul - cue claims from the opposition that I “just gave it cos he’s claiming for it”.
More of a general/low-level thing but I’m sick and tired of the 5-6 “foul throw” appeals I have to wave off every game!

On average I think I see a foul throw once every 4 matches. Very few are even close to being borderline. It’s something I can’t get my head around!
More of a general/low-level thing but I’m sick and tired of the 5-6 “foul throw” appeals I have to wave off every game!

On average I think I see a foul throw once every 4 matches. Very few are even close to being borderline. It’s something I can’t get my head around!

Not just a low level thing....
Not just a low level thing....

Given that you can practically ignore the more ridiculous foul throw shouts, I’d consider it low level, most appeals aren’t exactly vigorous either.

It isn’t worth wasting your breath getting into a discussion about it a lot of the time.
For me, it's being an AR and the correct decisions I don't flag!! (If you catch my drift).

Last weekend's FA Vase match a prime example:

Play is over on my side, perhaps 20 yards up the touchline away from me to my left near half-way. A challenge comes in from home team player, the referee (who's no more than 12 yards away from it) decides it's a fair challenge and lets play continue. Cue the uproar from the away team bench and players who then all turn to me shouting "Come on Lino - you saw that!!". :rolleyes: This one is normally followed by the old cliche "Come on Lino - you've gotta help the ref out there!". :rolleyes:

Nothing boils my piss more than the above.

Harrumph. :mad:

Oh that's so spot on. Even 'better' is when they say use the 'Help him out lino' line when the referee HAS given the foul.

Have they EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER seen a 'lino' march onto the pitch after a decision given by the ref to say 'Excuse me old chap, think you might have got that one wrong'

Similar - had a coach 'accuse' me of 'not even looking at that half' when the play was in far corner about 80 yards away - my colleagues about 2 and 5 yards away obviously needed my help there! :rolleyes:
2) Give a free kick in attacking third, getting everything set up and then a player gets unhappy when he strolls up and asks if he can"go quickly" and I say no!

I think that clearly saying and signaling “wait for the whistle typically avoids this. But there is always the one....
As a contrast to my 'Favourite Decisions' thread how about this to bring us back to earth! ;)

I had one of Saturday (U18s) and reminded me how much it irritates me

2 'nibbles' by defender, I try to let go to see if attacker can keep advantage, 3rd one he goes over - blow - foul - on we go, but oh no attacker! has a moan.

"Come on ref!" - Come on ref what? I said to him yes saw the first two, tried to play advantage, couldn't , you have the free kick, get on with it.

Really bugs me, players moaning even when you give them the free kick!

Over to you!
I had a similar incident this weekend, incidentally an U18's match, the attacker had rode two foul challenges and stayed on his feet ,but he was travelling at speed with the ball slightly running away from him.
He was heading straight towards me and I couldn't see what was developing behind me and my fear was either another defender took him out or he might dive in on someone in an attempt to get the ball.back.......I blew for the foul on him just as he played an inch perfect ball to a teammate ....... que the moaning and outrage and me having to apologise.

My thought process was following a seminar run by a Premier League Ref who showed clips were refs had played avantage after a couple of challenges on attackers which resulted in things going badly wrong .......in one a defender suffered a broken leg with the attacker diving in, another attacker issued a red after again diving in and the third in a mass confrontation when the third defender cleaned the attacker out.

Having seen the aforementioned incidents I tend to err on the side of caution and go with a foul especially after a second 'nibble' unless there is a clear run.

On a side note.....I've had a manager tell me before a match that his team didn't want any ' advantages'......turns out he had two centre halves who he wanted in the opposition box at every opportunity .......is he okay to request this?
I had a similar incident this weekend, incidentally an U18's match, the attacker had rode two foul challenges and stayed on his feet ,but he was travelling at speed with the ball slightly running away from him.
He was heading straight towards me and I couldn't see what was developing behind me and my fear was either another defender took him out or he might dive in on someone in an attempt to get the ball.back.......I blew for the foul on him just as he played an inch perfect ball to a teammate ....... que the moaning and outrage and me having to apologise.

My thought process was following a seminar run by a Premier League Ref who showed clips were refs had played avantage after a couple of challenges on attackers which resulted in things going badly wrong .......in one a defender suffered a broken leg with the attacker diving in, another attacker issued a red after again diving in and the third in a mass confrontation when the third defender cleaned the attacker out.

Having seen the aforementioned incidents I tend to err on the side of caution and go with a foul especially after a second 'nibble' unless there is a clear run.

On a side note.....I've had a manager tell me before a match that his team didn't want any ' advantages'......turns out he had two centre halves who he wanted in the opposition box at every opportunity .......is he okay to request this?

I’m not sure if it’s correct by law but if I offered an advantage and the team in possession stopped and asked for the free kick I’d blow. If they’d prefer the set-piece surely by refusing it, it’d effectively be a disadvantage.
Pitch Inspection... the players are pretending not to notice me, but I know they've clocked me at a hundred yards. Don't blame them, I'm a fine specimen
Foul throw
In the back (a favourite of mine)
After a sin bin....how long left ref, 9 minutes...how long left for sin bin ref, 8 minutes etc etc until 4 mins left.....Ref, ref can he come back on now