The Ref Stop

First match back


Supply League Observer
Staff member
So, after 13 weeks off who is looking forward to getting back out there?

What matches have you got?
What excites you?
What worries you?

And do you think you are fit enough?
The Ref Stop
I’m being thrown in the deep end tomorrow. First game back and my 2nd 7 > 6 observation. I know i’m lucky to have the observation but I’d rather it be in 3-4 games time when I regain my confidence after a couple of tough games before lock down.
I won't be back until next season. Paternity leave 😁😁😂
Missing reffing like mad though and can't wait to get back.
First game is Sunday morning, was supposed to be u16 double header but one team can't muster enough players so it's an u15 single now...

Going to watch a, game tomorrow afternoon I think, just being there will perk me up. Plus it'll get me out of going to the garden centre with the missus and her dad and his other half, though I can also count on 'the less people the better' in an enclosed space.

Then I've got games scattered over Saturday morning, afternoon and Wednesday evenings coming up, alongside Sunday mornings when they get allocated, plus playing Tuesday evenings when I can so lots to look forward to.

Just glad to be back!
Girls U18 to start with tomorrow. Had a moment when I got an email from full time telling me it had been changed. Feared another postponement...

Turns out “home” pitch is unavailable due to men trying to stop balls hitting sticks by hitting them with bigger sticks.

We’ve moved pitches instead. That’s a relief!!
Next season for me. A lot of referees and not many games so likely I’d only get 1 or 2 anyway
Next season for me. A lot of referees and not many games so likely I’d only get 1 or 2 anyway
We’ve got similar issues with 3s and 4a competing for games with the rest of us. Youth football has never seen cover so good!
that’s the 7th March last year by the way. Been over a year since I’ve graced the green stuff
Somewhat coincidentally, my game tomorrow is for the same club that my first game after lockdown one was. That was a friendly, tomorrow is a league game.

Friendly on Sunday (my Sunday league restarts in two weeks.)

Aching legs on Monday?! I have done my best to keep fit, but a back injury before Christmas and a suspect knee of late have meant I haven’t done as much runnIng as I’d like (but still doing 10k in sub 50mins), but refereeing and running are different types of fitness.

But looking forward to it.
I’ve been lucky, I’ve had a couple of “elite” games over this lockdown, 1 middle and 1 line.

Like many of the L4’s in our area there’s a lot of us and only a handful of games to go round, so opportunities are limited and grassroots appointments are rightly going to the referees that need them for 7-6 and 6-5 promotions.

I’ve picked up a late Div 9 Sunday league game this weekend which will be good to stretch the legs a little.

First “proper” game back with NAR’s is on the 17th April, then I’ve got a league cup QF the week after.

Looking forward to getting back out there. I’ve worked hard on fitness in lockdown and am happy with where I am - recently hit PB’s for both 5k and 10k which is a good sign!
Good luck everyone - not that you’ll need it!

2 middles for me tomorrow and it’s my first game since October... and first since Covid... hope the lungs make it! Buzzing.
Nothing until 26th April here at least. Despite contact sport being allowed from Monday. Very annoying
Had a game Wednesday afternoon between two local academy teams (my 650th match since becoming a referee), got a friendly between two supply league teams tomorrow, a Sunday County Cup quarter final on the 11th, and on the line for Southampton U18 on the 24th... that's all for now!
I’m being thrown in the deep end tomorrow. First game back and my 2nd 7 > 6 observation. I know i’m lucky to have the observation but I’d rather it be in 3-4 games time when I regain my confidence after a couple of tough games before lock down.
I'm in the same boat on Sunday! Good luck for tomorrow.
My main leagues have all packed up and not many volunteering opportunities about, I don't really fancy returning to bog standard youth middles, so unless a) something unexpected turns up or b) The JPL Finals day I was on gets rearranged, that might be me done until August.