Well that’s a wrap


Active Member
Last game of the normal season today and it ended the same way it began. With confusion and outrage about my handball decisions. One pen shout that I didn’t give when ball went directly but accidentally from defenders foot to outstretched (but naturally positioned) hand (he was tracking backwards and falling) and about 15 shouts in general play that were all accidentally directly foot to hand on a hard pitch with average skill players. I love refereeing but I the new handball rule has completely bamboozled me and made me think I don’t fully understand what is required. I watch other games and observe some referees calling almost everything a handball and players and coaches seem as perplexed and confused as me. Am I alone in thinking this aspect of the game seems almost impossible to police consistently this year? Apart from this ongoing problem It has been a pretty good season and I have definitely done more and better games. Thanks to everyone who has provided advice to me this year. It has been much appreciated and helped with my development and confidence. Have a great season in the northern hemisphere everyone!
A&H International
I watch other games and observe some referees calling almost everything a handball and players and coaches seem as perplexed and confused as me. Am I alone in thinking this aspect of the game seems almost impossible to police consistently this year?

I have been officiating at games since 1978 and handling has ALWAYS been a problem. Back in the day the Laws gave no other guidance than that handball had to be "a deliberate act". It was totally left to the judgement of the referee. Did this make decisions consistent? Not in the slightest. No two referees could seem to agree on what was deliberate; and then, as now, a huge number of referees simple gave almost any ball to hand contact as an offence. Now at least, vague as it may be, we have the 'unnaturally bigger" criterion as a help. So has this changed how most refs apply the Law 43 years on? Not a single jot. And any referee who attempts to apply the Law as written, still has to deal with players who expect any ball to hand contact to be given, because "last weeks refs" the world over take the path of least resistance.
Am I alone in thinking this aspect of the game seems almost impossible to police consistently this year?

Nope. I've seen the same thing, some people are calling every handling of the ball because it is just easier, but it isn't the right application of the law.

It has filtered to the players as well. I'm seeing huge appeals for handling when the ball just clips the hand even if the hand is on the body or the hip or by their side. It is ridiculous and sometimes the reactions when it is not given has been bordering on dissent.

Hopefully it'll get better in the following seasons, but I think it's going to be applied inconsistently due to last season's experiment tbh.
Not just this year...

In one of my last 11v11 games as a referee, I gave a penalty for what I believed to be (and still do) one of the most blatant handballs you will ever see. Ball travelling from some distance, defender sticks out an arm full stretch at 90 degrees to the body, ball makes contact in the middle of the palm of the hand. Despite the clear cut nature of the offence, defending team's players, coaches and parents went absolutely nuts at the decision.

Refused to start 2nd half until assistant manager, who was particularly vocal and aggressive in his complaints, had removed himself to the car park.
I have been officiating at games since 1978 and handling has ALWAYS been a problem. Back in the day the Laws gave no other guidance than that handball had to be "a deliberate act". It was totally left to the judgement of the referee. Did this make decisions consistent? Not in the slightest. No two referees could seem to agree on what was deliberate; and then, as now, a huge number of referees simple gave almost any ball to hand contact as an offence. Now at least, vague as it may be, we have the 'unnaturally bigger" criterion as a help. So has this changed how most refs apply the Law 43 years on? Not a single jot. And any referee who attempts to apply the Law as written, still has to deal with players who expect any ball to hand contact to be given, because "last weeks refs" the world over take the path of least resistance.
nitpick--for much of that time it was"intentional" (as were all fouls) before "deliberate" came in with the change to C/R/EF for other fouls. I only note because some referees get caught up in the difference between intentional and deliberate, though I think the usage of the old intentional and the "new" deliberate is exactly the same in their sense for Law 12. But yes, I totally agree that these questions about handling have been around for a long time. I do think a difference is that as the Laws have become more nitpicky about many scenarios, it has watered the ITOOTR element of these calls from how calls are perceived.
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