Things that players say

A&H International
Not what players say so much however, game last night, in less than favourable weather conditions (a game a few miles up was abandoned at half time).

Wet, miserable. Had we not had a slight reduction in the amount of rain then I think we'd have got close to not completing the game.

Anyway, I dismissed a player for SFP. 2 footed caught the player midway up the lower leg. Easy decision in my view.

Read a comment from a spectator "definitely a red on a dry pitch, but debatable tonight" as though SFP is somehow downgraded in the wet...
Not what players say so much however, game last night, in less than favourable weather conditions (a game a few miles up was abandoned at half time).

Wet, miserable. Had we not had a slight reduction in the amount of rain then I think we'd have got close to not completing the game.

Anyway, I dismissed a player for SFP. 2 footed caught the player midway up the lower leg. Easy decision in my view.

Read a comment from a spectator "definitely a red on a dry pitch, but debatable tonight" as though SFP is somehow downgraded in the wet...
Heaven forbid that players should be extra careful not to endanger an opponent when the conditions are bad.

(Cue some pundit saying "he had to go for it, what else was he meant to do??!!")
Not what players say so much however, game last night, in less than favourable weather conditions (a game a few miles up was abandoned at half time).

Wet, miserable. Had we not had a slight reduction in the amount of rain then I think we'd have got close to not completing the game.

Anyway, I dismissed a player for SFP. 2 footed caught the player midway up the lower leg. Easy decision in my view.

Read a comment from a spectator "definitely a red on a dry pitch, but debatable tonight" as though SFP is somehow downgraded in the wet...

yip as if only the referee needs give thought to the conditions, heaven forbid the players playing the game need consider them..