Injured players


New Member
2 players from one from each team get injured.
They stay down and when i ask them about doctor one say yes and other no.
I need to send them both out of the pitch for treatment or only the one who asked for doctor?
A&H International
2 players from one from each team get injured.
They stay down and when i ask them about doctor one say yes and other no.
I need to send them both out of the pitch for treatment or only the one who asked for doctor?
An exception to the requirement to leave the FOP, would be if players from the same team collided and needed attention
Yes but its not unfair to send him out , when he didnt ask for treatment?
I don't get this. (Never liked double negative but "it's not unfair"="it's fair", kind of)
You are going to ask an uninjured player to leave the field because his opponent is injured?

It's not for you to say he is injured. If he says he doesn't need treatment, as far as you are concerned he is uninjured.