Time Wasting

A&H International
The problem is that it comes across like some users are losing their objectivity when it comes to their own teams, so it's no longer a refereeing debate.
i'd happily say the same if it was liverpool / united etc. not adding time on from a VAR review is a joke, not doing so is a deriliction of duty...discuss
Money and TV. Broadcasters hate added time as it messes their schedules up, and referees at that level become almost conditioned to play as little as possible, especially when the scores are level. I’ve been 4th official on several televised games and the floor manager wants to know how much will be added well before the 45 or 90 minutes is up. That’s why the commentator always knows how much is being added before the board goes up. Comes down to what gets said a lot on here, at those levels you aren’t just refereeing a game, you are managing an event.
Money and TV. Broadcasters hate added time as it messes their schedules up, and referees at that level become almost conditioned to play as little as possible, especially when the scores are level. I’ve been 4th official on several televised games and the floor manager wants to know how much will be added well before the 45 or 90 minutes is up. That’s why the commentator always knows how much is being added before the board goes up. Comes down to what gets said a lot on here, at those levels you aren’t just refereeing a game, you are managing an event.
all well and good but doesnt answer why time that should be added isnt
Money and TV. Broadcasters hate added time as it messes their schedules up, and referees at that level become almost conditioned to play as little as possible, especially when the scores are level. I’ve been 4th official on several televised games and the floor manager wants to know how much will be added well before the 45 or 90 minutes is up. That’s why the commentator always knows how much is being added before the board goes up. Comes down to what gets said a lot on here, at those levels you aren’t just refereeing a game, you are managing an event.
That's just the TV company pushing their luck. Everyone knows there IS added time and 3/4 minutes notice on a live event is plenty of notice for the production team etc.
i'd happily say the same if it was liverpool / united etc. not adding time on from a VAR review is a joke, not doing so is a deriliction of duty...discuss
I don't doubt it, what I meant was that when users start saying 'we' it's more difficult to judge what they're saying objectively.

And yes, it aggravates me when time isn't added on for all kinds of reasons - particularly when referees have identified time-wasting during added time itself. I'm not sure it's a dereliction of duty though, more that it's one of those elements of custom and practice (like others in this thread) that unfortunately seems to be embedded.
I don't doubt it, what I meant was that when users start saying 'we' it's more difficult to judge what they're saying objectively.

And yes, it aggravates me when time isn't added on for all kinds of reasons - particularly when referees have identified time-wasting during added time itself. I'm not sure it's a dereliction of duty though, more that it's one of those elements of custom and practice (like others in this thread) that unfortunately seems to be embedded.

in a competive game the ref has a duty to add appropriate added time. had it been a more subjective thing, to do with numbers of subs / goals / injures you couldnt really complain but with something like VAR stoppage the time added should be identical to the time taken. there is no excuse for not doing so
all well and good but doesnt answer why time that should be added isnt

Because they put the officials under pressure not to. Just the same as if there are any delays before the game they are all over you trying to get it sorted. One of the games I did had ex-pros playing and one of them couldn't get his wedding ring off. The floor manager was right in my ear saying just let him play, I wasn't having it and yes it did result in a live TV game having a delayed kick off. There was no way I was letting that player out of the changing room with that ring on, but the TV crew were having a near melt down at me. You are put under immense pressure on televised games.
Because they put the officials under pressure not to. Just the same as if there are any delays before the game they are all over you trying to get it sorted. One of the games I did had ex-pros playing and one of them couldn't get his wedding ring off. The floor manager was right in my ear saying just let him play, I wasn't having it and yes it did result in a live TV game having a delayed kick off. There was no way I was letting that player out of the changing room with that ring on, but the TV crew were having a near melt down at me. You are put under immense pressure on televised games.
Not a good enough reason not to play added time when added time is required. Not like it's not expected.
Because they put the officials under pressure not to. Just the same as if there are any delays before the game they are all over you trying to get it sorted. One of the games I did had ex-pros playing and one of them couldn't get his wedding ring off. The floor manager was right in my ear saying just let him play, I wasn't having it and yes it did result in a live TV game having a delayed kick off. There was no way I was letting that player out of the changing room with that ring on, but the TV crew were having a near melt down at me. You are put under immense pressure on televised games.

The game management is what increasingly puts me off PL/CL football. We all know what's happening, fans can see it. The quality of the football in the PL is as high as its ever been, it should be (and occasionally is) absolutely fantastic. But far too many games are spoilt by time wasting and teams doing everything to slow the game down which goes unpunished. The last 10 mins of games was always the best part of PL football, but now its the slowest part and not the fastest. It just appears over sanitised. Its almost choreographed, with the officials playing a major part in that.

The falling over and being awarded defensive free kicks everytime a defender is challenged is infuriating. Everyone including the officials know what's going on but the game must be managed.

I know I'm creeping to my 40s and I'm sounding like my grandad who just used to watch the TV and shout "get it up the field", but I just want to see a fair contest for the ball and for both teams to actually play football for 90 mins and not 50. I want the ref to enforce the LOTG when it comes to behaviour that slows the game down.

But it won't happen and increasingly my interest is dissipating. Like people rightly keep repeating, it's all about money and managing the game. It's just not real football.
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Not a good enough reason not to play added time when added time is required. Not like it's not expected.

I think in short, as brutal as this may sound, at top level, tv call the shots
not the referee
ideally, they work in tandem
but if one has to give an inch, the ref has to give in, everytime

the Champ League, EPL etc, is a circus, an entertainment, a sporting dvd boxset
Its got performers, actors, a stage director, lights, sound, goodies, baddies, hero of the day, the full works

its not to be confused with what you will be refereeing on council park 9, over the gap in the hedge, at 1345 tomorrow
I think in short, as brutal as this may sound, at top level, tv call the shots
not the referee
ideally, they work in tandem
but if one has to give an inch, the ref has to give in, everytime
I don't buy it. TV won't care about 1 minute of added time where it is required. It's not like they can't plan for it.

What if there's a 5 min delay for an injury? We're only playing 2 lads, itv need the TV slot for emmerdale after
I don't buy it. TV won't care about 1 minute of added time where it is required. It's not like they can't plan for it.

What if there's a 5 min delay for an injury? We're only playing 2 lads, itv need the TV slot for emmerdale after

As per, I struggle to waffle and keep things sweet so can only type it in black and white and hope it does not offend

unless you havd done dozens of live games, you dont need to buy it, you just need accept thats exactly how it is

After you have done 30, 40 live sky games, you can report back and see if its been sold to you,
As per, I struggle to waffle and keep things sweet so can only type it in black and white and hope it does not offend

unless you havd done dozens of live games, you dont need to buy it, you just need accept thats exactly how it is

After you have done 30, 40 live sky games, you can report back and see if its been sold to you,

it doesnt offend, i just dont buy that a ref can't play 1 minute of injury time at the end of the first half where it is required and expected.

i dont accept it as i've seen refs add time on in europe and in the PL (appreciating that in europe they do tend to go lower), if time is lost for a VAR review then it has to be added on, no ifs or buts, it's not fair on the teams and the fans

i think the liklihood of me doing 1 TV game is remote but i get your point!
meant to add, had the opppsite to Rusty, a game where we had a 4 min delay to the ko as tv was not ready
After a few mins of players accepting why they could not start, with them all out on the pitch, it was the crowd left wondering what was going on
coin toss done, players in position. waiting for the referee whistle, and, nothing