Where in the Laws Does It Say About

(1) Obstruction - I have played in a lot of games where a player, on the floor for some reason, uses his legs to trap the ball between them to try keep the ball. Every opposition player shouts “obstruction”, IDFK is given. But where in the laws does it say anything about this? Is it actually a thing. Is it just another one of those myths?

(2) Keeper throwing ball - I feel this one should be easier to find. Surely a keeper can’t just throw the ball into the opposition net (as unlikely as that is physically.) Surely there’s something in the LOTG that says this isn’t a goal. More importantly, what if the keeper throws it into his own net (e.g. loss of control, bad wind I guess.) Whilst these are unlikely situations, surely they are covered in LOTG. Unlike “obstruction” I’m certain of that. I’m just wondering where.

Cheers for the help guys!
A&H International
1. Obstruction is usually appeal for where a players blocks an opponent's movement. Look in law for 'impede'. Or as a phrase "impeding the progress of an opponent.
The scenario you describe may or may not fall under "playing in a dangerous manner" (PIADM). Did it prevent an opponent play the ball for fear of safety to anyone?
Look up law 12.2 for both cases for your point 1.

2. Into own net is a goal. I don't see why it shouldn't be, same as a field player scoring an own goal with hand. Into an opponent's net is not. It was until recently. But Law 10.1 is specific on this now.
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1. Obstruction is usually appeal for where a players blocks an opponent's movement. Look in law for 'impede'. Or as a phrase "impeding the progress of an opponent.
The scenario you describe may or may not fall under "playing in a dangerous manner" (PIADM). Did it prevent an opponent play the ball for fear of safety to anyone?
Look up law 12.2 for both cases for your point 1.

2. Into own net is a goal. I don't see why it shouldn't be, same as a field player scoring an own goal with hand. Into an opponent's net is not. It was until recently. But Law 10.1 is specific on this now.
Cheers on pointing me for both laws. Like an encyclopaedia!

Good shout on the first one. It’s one of those always given in football for “obstruction” but yeh “playing in dangerous manner” is perfect. The players won’t challenge for the ball in fear of endangering the opponent.
I have never heard a shout of obstruction, when the balls stuck underneath the player, it tends to get a " he cant do that"
Obstruction shouts are rare, mostly when the defender is trying to shield the ball as it rolls out for a goal kick.
As above, when the ball is stuck in the players legs, if there are no opponents around, we are good to go, any opponents potentially going for that ball its vital to get in quick
I have never heard a shout of obstruction, when the balls stuck underneath the player, it tends to get a " he cant do that"
Obstruction shouts are rare, mostly when the defender is trying to shield the ball as it rolls out for a goal kick.
Really? I get obstruction shouts a lot, and I’ve seen it happen a lot when the ball goes underneath the player as both a player and spectator.

In over 10 years playing junior football it was given as “obstruction” every time (and once we had got given penalty for it. The same season we had a penalty go against us for a back pass as well. Some incredible law knowledge from some people)

Maybe it’s a regional thing, or maybe I just have bad luck with obstruction shouts 😓. Does anyone else get a fair share?
I have never heard a shout of obstruction, when the balls stuck underneath the player, it tends to get a " he cant do that"
Obstruction shouts are rare, mostly when the defender is trying to shield the ball as it rolls out for a goal kick.
As above, when the ball is stuck in the players legs, if there are no opponents around, we are good to go, any opponents potentially going for that ball its vital to get in quick
Had it today in a step 6 game
Cheers on pointing me for both laws. Like an encyclopaedia!

Good shout on the first one. It’s one of those always given in football for “obstruction” but yeh “playing in dangerous manner” is perfect. The players won’t challenge for the ball in fear of endangering the opponent.
Obstruction was replaced with “impeding” years ago. And impeding doesn’t occur within playing distance of the ball.
Had it today in a step 6 game

Of course it might and can happen, i just cant ever recall it in any games i done,

tend to get the standing opponent looking at ref going, ' he cant do that' and thankfuly quite rare, a standing opponent quite prepared to boot both ball and grounded player

i do notice women football they stop playing in this situation, again, thats only from what i have seen
Most keepers I've seen will kick it for a goal.

<Sheepishly bows head> I didn't know a keeper can't score a goal throwing it 100yds into the opposing goal.

Most keepers I've seen will kick it for a goal.

<Sheepishly bows head> I didn't know a keeper can't score a goal throwing it 100yds into the opposing goal.

That was a change in the last three years. Part of IFAB’s efforts to “fix” handling….
Most keepers I've seen will kick it for a goal.

<Sheepishly bows head> I didn't know a keeper can't score a goal throwing it 100yds into the opposing goal.

The world record for longest throw for a keeper is 66 yards so would be impressive ! Happened a few years ago, but was officially awarded today. Weird how this thread came up same day.

Good watch if any ones bothered

Obstruction was replaced with “impeding” years ago. And impeding doesn’t occur within playing distance of the ball.
Neither did obstruction. Another instance of pointless tinkering. And adding contact as a factor. And now making playing distance variable. And never penalising it anyway.
Surprise Peter Schmeichel wasn't in with a shout, he had a cracking throw.
Half off his amazing throws were natural as well. As in, he didn’t take a massive run up, backstep and lob it, hed just throw it normally and it would reach 40-50 yards.