Offside? YouTube clip

The second one is far more interesting.

Either that ar doesn't know the law with the halfway line or they really really need some serious flash lag training.
A&H International
I can understand how the second one was given, and possibly even the first, but I don't think either of them can be considered "the worst offside decision ever" when you have ones like this

I can understand how the second one was given, and possibly even the first, but I don't think either of them can be considered "the worst offside decision ever" when you have ones like this

We had a worse one in a World Cup finals third place
I can understand how the second one was given, and possibly even the first, but I don't think either of them can be considered "the worst offside decision ever" when you have ones like this

Is there shouts for handball?

course that does not explain the offside restart, or indeed the gk restarting from one yard out
I confess to a relatively recent brain freeze. Goal kick being taken. Attacker wins the ball and plays forward to a player alone at the top of the PA. Tweet. And then immediately realize the GK hadn't taken the GK, so there were two defenders back. :wall: :oops: Apologize immediately and DB to the attacking team.

Total brain freeze, but helped along by a few factors--the GK had usually been taking the GKs, this team was perpetually in OS position though not many calls as they couldn't make a pass worth a darn, and we were using the stupid 2 refs with whistles system that US high schools often use that means I constantly feel out of position and like I should be in two different positions at all times to be able to do my jobs.
Is there shouts for handball?
course that does not explain the offside restart, or indeed the gk restarting from one yard out
I know. There are times when you wonder what the hell someone saw and this is one of those. I can't see a handball, but maybe he did, but then why the IDFK? And why make him move back to the goal line inside the goal area, because the ball was on the edge of the area by that time.
But he obviously couldn't be offside, for so many reasons.

This one caused a fair bit of discussion on the Halesowen FC website, and the members in my RA branch spent a fair bit of time talking about it as well!
On that last clip it just cannot be offside. So was it a foul that was called? If it was the flag mechanics were incorrect for a foul. Its even wrong for offside. Fluttering flag and then pointed left with the left arm for a foul. No pointing in either to the location. The referee signals for an IDFK so what was it? If the referee accepted offside then that is an "important mistake" FWIW I think the AR calls a push / handling by the attacker in the aerial challenge for the ball. Does not know the AR flag foul signal and simply points in to the location with the flag. Referee adds to the viewing confusion with the IDFK signal. Learning point is for ARs to know their flag signals plus referees knowing when to use the IDFK signal.
This was a Step 3 (Northern Counties Premier Division) game so you'd hope the officials would be up to speed with signals! Also it was in August, when step 3 games are always given to more experienced L3 Referees / L4 ARs rather than newly promoted ones.
If it was a push / handling then this would have been on the 6 yard line, so the AR was wrong to insist the kick was moved back to just off the goal line, and as you say the signals were wrong.

I wonder if one of the ARs came off the game at short notice so they were scrabbling round for someone to do the line and called someone up without any experience. However, that then makes what the Referee does even more inexplicable, because if you're doing a senior game with a junior / inexperienced Assistant then you know up front you need to give them more support, and you also know you can't just accept everything they give, for exactly this reason.

I think this ties in nicely to the other thread about what decisions a Referee should accept from an assistant, because if this game was assessed then the debrief would have been pretty interesting!
Also it was in August, when step 3 games are always given to more experienced L3 Referees / L4 ARs rather than newly promoted ones.
This is not true. I've had plenty of 1st time L3s in August on step 3.
If you are a level 3 you'll get any level of game at any time. Even more likelihood of getting one as traditionally numbers of available. Refs are low in August due to fitness tests not taken and summer sport commitments.
This is not true. I've had plenty of 1st time L3s in August on step 3.
If you are a level 3 you'll get any level of game at any time. Even more likelihood of getting one as traditionally numbers of available. Refs are low in August due to fitness tests not taken and summer sport commitments.
Thanks, I was trying to make sense of how they could screw up so badly, because it really looks like they did.
Things have obviously changed, but they never used to give new L3s premier division games that early in the season and they still never seem to do so on the Isthmian league (other Contributory leagues are available!). Perhaps they're short of refs in the midlands, but I've never seen anyone round here get one before November in their first season, and I often check to see who I know who's just been promoted to see what games they've got.

It certainly wasn't that way when I was in the system, although that is a long time ago now. I'd also expect them to make sure if they use a less experienced Ref then they have more experienced ARs to help, and this doesn't look like that either.
Watching the first one again, I can understand the AR, even though of course its completely incorrect. He thinks blue has passed the ball, and raised his flag
At this point, the very least the referee should be doing is playing on, and, if needed, then go across to the AR just to confirm whats went on.
Simply accepting the flag on autopilot, ( feeling the buzzer maybe) is just futile, you simply need to be aware
Blue has passed the ball to a team mate who has at least 3 out field opponents between him and the goal line?

That's how I saw it in any case! :p
I can understand how the second one was given, and possibly even the first, but I don't think either of them can be considered "the worst offside decision ever" when you have ones like this
I just can’t wrap my head around this decision. It’s wrong on so many levels.
I remember both of those (not bitter at all). The tiatto one at boto is bizarre and just plain wrong, ended up drawing the game 1-1 and getting relegated. I was at the Liverpool game in with the home fans, interesting experience!
I remember both of those (not bitter at all). The tiatto one at boto is bizarre and just plain wrong, ended up drawing the game 1-1 and getting relegated. I was at the Liverpool game in with the home fans, interesting experience!

Cant recall seeing this before, guessing was ruled out cos lino thought guy in midde got a touch?