Junior/Youth County Cup Final


Well-Known Member
Set the scene:
Sunny Sunday its 12:30 KO and I am one of AR for U16 match, stationed on dugout side. Throughout the match away manger stood outside technical area in my running path, told to move. Even as one point bumped in assistant manager as I was watching play and not that someone was in my way. Complained to 4th official at half time, they kept telling them throughout the match to move.

Last 5 minutes of play one of subs stood in my running path with his foot on the touchline, I am fed up and tell him to move whilst motioning with arm. In response gets called a 'daft c*nt'. I motion to ref and then he got [booked]red* for OFFINABUS.

In the end his team lost 2-1, first half close not second. Do not know why he felt like he could use that language or why such young players use it. And that was how I saw my first red card in a match. Quick note afterwards got a well done from 4th official and from referee development officer another well done. At another level won't have felt so inked by it by I was already annoyed by his team throughout the match.

edit* got booked and sent off mixed off, sorry if I came off defensive
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A&H International
You can't be cautioned for OFFINABUS, that can only be a red card. Did you tell the referee the exact language used? Did you recommend, or he he ask you, what you thought the sanction should be?
You can't be cautioned for OFFINABUS, that can only be a red card. Did you tell the referee the exact language used? Did you recommend, or he he ask you, what you thought the sanction should be?
I understand he can't be cautioned for OFFINABUS, and I told ref exact language. I flagged with the knowledge of him committing OFFINBUS. He asked for what he said I told him and showed player and he carded simple. I just didn't think a player would use that language in a cup final.
I understand he can't be cautioned for OFFINABUS, and I told ref exact language. I flagged with the knowledge of him committing OFFINBUS. He asked for what he said I told him and showed player and he carded simple. I just didn't think a player would use that language in a cup final.
I'm sorry, but I'd of whipped the yellow out of his hand and showed the player my own red card!!!!
Oh by booked I mean red
You need to get away from using player and manager terminology. Booked doesn't exist and will just confuse matters, as it has on this thread as we thought he had cautioned him not sent him off when you said "booked".
You need to get away from using player and manager terminology. Booked doesn't exist and will just confuse matters, as it has on this thread as we thought he had cautioned him not sent him off when you said "booked".
It wasn't that I just always thought booked meant like a sending off offensive, and for cautioning you would just say he got cautioned
It wasn't that I just always thought booked meant like a sending off offensive, and for cautioning you would just say he got cautioned
No, it is lazy TV stuff. Even now when a player is shown a yellow card the caption shown on TV says booked.
No, it is lazy TV stuff. Even now when a player is shown a yellow card the caption shown on TV says booked.
I dont watch live matches so I don't hear the commentary, I watch matches afterwards on youtube so I can rewind stuff and learn about positioning.
Cause I don't have sky. And as of currently I don't have time to watch matches live so I don't often hear about the names for stuff and its not in the manual is it
I dont watch live matches so I don't hear the commentary, I watch matches afterwards on youtube so I can rewind stuff and learn about positioning.
Cause I don't have sky. And as of currently I don't have time to watch matches live so I don't often hear about the names for stuff and its not in the manual is it
Umm. Yep. Caution. Yellow card. Send off. Red card. All appear in the bible.
Booked/booking does not.
Re-reading this to get context to your Appeal, sounds like the 4th Official did absolutely sod all to help you.
Re-reading this to get context to your Appeal, sounds like the 4th Official did absolutely sod all to help you.
Throughout the second half he warned the staff for that side. But when the incident occurred he was on the other half of the pitch talking to someone. But I got a well done from him afterwards.

Although the purpose of the 4th official for that match was to act as like a referee mentor for us younger referees. And also do the job of 4th official.
How many warnings does one manager need?

Ask. Tell. Remove.

He's dropped you in it hrough his inaction.
How many warnings does one manager need?

Ask. Tell. Remove.

He's dropped you in it hrough his inaction.
I think their staff received like 7 or 8 verbal warning, 3 by myself however I was focused on the game at the time. And 4 or 5 by 4th official
I think their staff received like 7 or 8 verbal warning, 3 by myself however I was focused on the game at the time. And 4 or 5 by 4th official
This is a development for the whole team to have a think about.
You simply can't verbally warn repeatedly. You really need to follow up verbal warnings with actions. Be that a yellow or red card or as AR informing the referee that further action needs taking.
At verbal warning 2 with no action, it becomes apparent you aren't going to deal with it properly and, as you've seen in this case, poor behaviour escalates.
As max says above:
Ask: can you .... Please?
Tell: folks, I have asked you to .... If it doesn't happen the next step will be to involve referee, which will most likely include cards
Finally: Ref - I've asked this person to. He didn't do it so I told him with a warning of next steps. Can you deal with I please?