WOW ...


Guys, last night I refereed' the Community Cup Final, it was also played at Kenilworth Road which is Luton Towns stadium. This occasion was extremely special to me, being a Luton fan made the evening even better.

Unfortunately despite my best efforts to avoid using cards, both teams had pure hatred for each other meaning I cautioned 5 players and dismissed 1 player during the second half. I honestly could of given a minimum of 11 yellows and 4 reds had it not of been a cup final, also the red card I gave was, umm strange..

Basically I had awarded a penalty, without any complaints from the defending team however only one player seemed slightly annoyed with the decision so he booted the ball at me, I was standing about 20 meters away and he looked straight at me, it was a clear red however he still complained claiming the ball never hit me, regardless to the massive red ball shaped mark on my legs.

I've attached a few photos, it was an excellent evening which I certainly won't be forgetting for a long, long, LONG time!


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A&H International
Well done mate!!! How did you find it doing open age?? I'm due to start OA at the end of this season so looking forward to the change!
Nicely done fella. Seems like a strange appointment for first OA game, but such is life I guess. You must be doing something very right! :)
Very good appointment. Hope you've put that incident through as Violent Conduct against a match official as that's what it is and the player will get a hefty ban for it.

PS: Why are you smiling?! Referees aren't allowed to enjoy themselves!!! ;)
Very good appointment. Hope you've put that incident through as Violent Conduct against a match official as that's what it is and the player will get a hefty ban for it.

PS: Why are you smiling?! Referees aren't allowed to enjoy themselves!!! ;)

Referees are aloud to enjoy themselves
Well done! Congratulations!

Yeah report that to your County FA as thats not on under any circumstances so do the write up correctly in your misconduct report. I had a Cup Final this seasons which sounds like yours, the attitude from one team fell way below the expected level which resulted in 5 cautions too!
I'm ever so concerned that the FA would appoint a cup final to someone with so little; well actually no experience in OA football!?

However, by the sounds of it you managed the game very well - very much a deserved red card. Well done!
Guys, last night I refereed' my first ever open age match, strangely it was the Community Cup Final, it was also played at Kenilworth Road which is Luton Towns stadium. This occasion was extremely special to me, being a Luton fan made the evening even better.

Unfortunately despite my best efforts to avoid using cards, both teams had pure hatred for each other meaning I cautioned 5 players and dismissed 1 player during the second half. I honestly could of given a minimum of 11 yellows and 4 reds had it not of been a cup final, also the red card I gave was, umm strange..

Basically I had awarded a penalty, without any complaints from the defending team however only one player seemed slightly annoyed with the decision so he booted the ball at me, I was standing about 20 meters away and he looked straight at me, it was a clear red however he still complained claiming the ball never hit me, regardless to the massive red ball shaped mark on my legs.

I've attached a few photos, it was an excellent evening which I certainly won't be forgetting for a long, long, LONG time!

Well done Jack! Sounds like you handled it well!
What a very strange appointment!

Giving a novice referee a cup final, between 2 teams who must have history, is really asking for trouble.

Guess this is the brave new world of referee academies!
refereeing in luton is asking for trouble - ('not xenophobic' alert - for those who worry about these things)
Well done Jack. Not every OA game will be like that. The Academy staff must have great faith in you to give you such a demanding first OA appointment. I hope you learned a lot about yourself and your game. Good luck for next season.
Thank you for all the feedback guys, looking back at that game now, it was only the beginning of something much bigger and better!