Blades v Boro manager red


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
Interesting one last night, Sheffield United manager was red carded for turning around and booting the 4th officials board whilst he was holding it on the ground. Had this been grassroots, I would fully expect this to be a long term ban for a manager (I once had a notepad slapped out of my hand and the player was given a 12 game ban). It’ll be interesting to see if he gets an extended ban for this
A&H International

Footage of the incident.

Little sarcastic clap after being sent off as well
Technically speaking, that should be a charge of assault on a match official. It won't be, obviously, but what on earth was he thinking in doing that? It's just pathetic behaviour.
Technically speaking, that should be a charge of assault on a match official. It won't be, obviously, but what on earth was he thinking in doing that? It's just pathetic behaviour.
It’s strange to me that there’s so little being spoken about with this reaction in the media. Obviously on different levels of the football pyramid but the media/pundits etc couldnt get enough of talking about Klopp and Arteta coming out their technical areas and screaming at officials, yet what we’ve got here is a manager who can break the 4th officials board and go about his day