
Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Barrow v Stockport County.

This very whiney tweet is the only footage I’ve actually seen.

Is this not covered by Law 11.4, both the black defender and blue attacker are considered to be on the goal line, meaning they are both in line, hence onside ?


(I’ve since had another look, and it seems that the while they’re both on the goal line, there isn’t a second to last defending player behind the goalscorer, so this was offside?)
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A&H International
Not the clearest of vids, but does look like the attacker is just beyond the last defender (who is on the pitch, therefore 2nd last defender), so even taking the defender behind the line into consideration (to the left of the picture - last defender), still not 2 defenders/defender & keeper between the goalscorer and the goal when the ball was played.

Looking at the poster's rant, technically they seem to be correct about it being offside, but not for the reasons they think even after the specific section of the law was highlighted.- The joys of social media!

Tough one for the AR though in real time as the 2nd last defender makes a move to cover the post as the mis-hit shot/pass is made.
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I’d agree. I initially thought the rant was wrong, because of their misunderstanding of the law involving the player being off the pitch.

So while the tweet is wrong, I’d say the decision is too
In law they are considered in the same position on the goalline but it does appear that he is still offside with the defender nearest him or the keeper being the 2LD.
They're only considered to be on the goal line if they're actually off the field. It looks to me as if the last opponent has at least one foot on the pitch and the attacker is probably (mostly) off the pitch. Even if they're both off the pitch and considered level though, the attacker is still closer to the goal line than the second last opponent, as @Mooseybaby and @cwyeary point out.
Looks like there are two defenders both on or behind the goal line, meaning they're considered to be in line for offside and they're technically all playing him on.
Looks like there are two defenders both on or behind the goal line, meaning they're considered to be in line for offside and they're technically all playing him on.
Where do you see two defenders on or behind the line? I've looked at the video clip over and over, plus a few still images taken from behind the goal line that were posted on the Twitter discussion and I can't see any hint of there being two defenders on the goal line.

One possibly (though even he seems to have one foot in front of the line) but not two.
For instance, here's one of those still images taken from behind the goal line. Admittedly, it seems to be from just a fraction after the ball was played but even allowing for some slight movement of the players from the moment the ball was struck, they can hardly have moved more than a foot or two. So where is the second defender who was (or could have been) on the line?


Given the time lapse, it's possible both black 18 and blue/white 34 were on the goal line when the ball was struck but neither black 6 nor the goalkeeper could have been and I don't see any other viable candidates.

Are you suggesting there's another defender out of shot?
I think we can agree an error from the AR, possibly caused by attacker being behind the GK & hence brain freeze.

0.18 seconds in.