The Ref Stop

Warm up/ Muscle recovery


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Good morning,

I’ve recently retaken the initials referees training course and made a return to officiating after a 10 year break.

On Sunday, I had my first game back. The match itself went well but I could feel my legs start to seize up after half term. By the full time whistle, my legs were becoming increasingly sore.

Once I got home, I really struggled to move and walking up the stairs was incredibly painful. I’ve had to take a couple of days off work as I’m still struggling.

I’m following the standard advice of elevation and adding ice/ freeze spray to the affected areas.

Stupidly, I didn’t warm up. I’d like to ask colleagues what kind of warm ups/ stretches they complete before matches and whether there is anything else I can do to aid my recovery.

I’ve got another match this Sunday which I’m looking forward to but I don’t want to overdo it.

Thank you for your advice.
The Ref Stop
I'm no sports scientist, but if that's the first physical exercise you've done for a while then you'll probably find that it'll ease by day 3/4 and if you do another game this weekend it'll be easier!
Good morning,

I’ve recently retaken the initials referees training course and made a return to officiating after a 10 year break.

On Sunday, I had my first game back. The match itself went well but I could feel my legs start to seize up after half term. By the full time whistle, my legs were becoming increasingly sore.

Once I got home, I really struggled to move and walking up the stairs was incredibly painful. I’ve had to take a couple of days off work as I’m still struggling.

I’m following the standard advice of elevation and adding ice/ freeze spray to the affected areas.

Stupidly, I didn’t warm up. I’d like to ask colleagues what kind of warm ups/ stretches they complete before matches and whether there is anything else I can do to aid my recovery.

I’ve got another match this Sunday which I’m looking forward to but I don’t want to overdo it.

Thank you for your advice.
1 or 2 laps of pitch - light jogging

Dynamic stretches, touchline to penalty area jog back to touchline after each exercise:
Jog forwards
Jog backwards
High knees
Bum kicks
Crab left leg lead
Crab right leg lead
Two to left two to right forwards
Two to left two to right backwards
Grapevines left leg lead
Grapevines right leg lead
Skipping with an across the body with the leg
Squats (with or without a body twist)
Hamstring walk

If in a team or 3 I play a sprint/ brain activation game called left and rights. Those that know it, will know it.

If on my own 3/4 build up to sprint full length of pitch split into quarters.
Q1 50% (touchline to halfway point of half)
Q2 60% (to halfway line)
Q3 70% (2 halfway point of other half)
Q4 75-80% (to touchline)

Goes without saying warm up should never be maximal and should be exactly that, a warm up.

I have a massage gun too which I sometimes use pre and post warm up and after a game. Other ideas are foam rolling. And you could go out after the game and do something similar to warm up, again all at steady paces.
Good morning,

I’ve recently retaken the initials referees training course and made a return to officiating after a 10 year break.

On Sunday, I had my first game back. The match itself went well but I could feel my legs start to seize up after half term. By the full time whistle, my legs were becoming increasingly sore.

Once I got home, I really struggled to move and walking up the stairs was incredibly painful. I’ve had to take a couple of days off work as I’m still struggling.

I’m following the standard advice of elevation and adding ice/ freeze spray to the affected areas.

Stupidly, I didn’t warm up. I’d like to ask colleagues what kind of warm ups/ stretches they complete before matches and whether there is anything else I can do to aid my recovery.

I’ve got another match this Sunday which I’m looking forward to but I don’t want to overdo it.

Thank you for your advice.
I take eat 2 bananas b4 cup of tea half time plus a light warm up warm down works for me
Good morning,

I’ve recently retaken the initials referees training course and made a return to officiating after a 10 year break.

On Sunday, I had my first game back. The match itself went well but I could feel my legs start to seize up after half term. By the full time whistle, my legs were becoming increasingly sore.

Once I got home, I really struggled to move and walking up the stairs was incredibly painful. I’ve had to take a couple of days off work as I’m still struggling.

I’m following the standard advice of elevation and adding ice/ freeze spray to the affected areas.

Stupidly, I didn’t warm up. I’d like to ask colleagues what kind of warm ups/ stretches they complete before matches and whether there is anything else I can do to aid my recovery.

I’ve got another match this Sunday which I’m looking forward to but I don’t want to overdo it.

Thank you for your advice.
Stretching only offers benefit if done less than 10 minutes before the onset of exercise
Your limbs will protest whenever they're asked to do something they're not used to, so the stiffness will lessen the more times you get out there
Inflammation is seemingly the enemy. Pro sportsmen struggle to find alternatives to shovel loads of anti-inflammatories. I ache a lot less if I'm on the Ibuprofen, but it's not good for ya