Couple of things


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Couple of things happened today.
1. Red v yellow. Yellow takes out red and as they get up both are face to face (no contact) but yellow is extremely aggressive and says to red. 'If I see you later you're dead!'
2. A player falls to his knees and sees a defender about to clear the ball so he jumps infront 'worm like' at the ball. The defender cacks his pants and pulls out the tackle.
What would your decisions be?
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A&H International
Couple of things happened today.

1. Red v yellow. Yellow takes out red and as they get up both are face to face (no contact) but yellow is extremely aggressive and says to red. 'If I see you later you're dead!'

2. A player falls to his knees and sees a defender about to clear the ball so he jumps infront 'worm like' at the ball. The defender calls his pants and pulls out the tackle.

What would your decisions be?

1. Red card for OFFINABUS
2. Read it a few times and still makes about as much sense diet coke in a bigmac meal. But based on what I can read he would be getting a caution for unsporting (C1 WLB)
Yeah I sent the player off. However he seemed to fail to understand that threatening the life of an opposition was a red-card offence.
With the second one I gave an indirect FK. Although it was the player who jumped in the way with his body who was potentially causing himself some harm. I wasn't sure what to do...... It was like the John Terry Dive at the ball but in a 50/50 situation. Luckily he wasn't seriously hurt for chucking his body in the way of a tackle.
Playing in a dangerous manner for the second. Indirect free kick to defender?
i'd never seen the second of all my days of playing, managing and refereeing. The player went in for a 70/30 (against him) with his face. I told him well done for being brave but had to give a free kick against him. It was on the halfway line / sideline. Crazy.