Stuart Atwell

so because his paid a lot of money he shouldnt make mistakes? Interesting...

please explain Steven Gerrard - last season against Chelsea ... £150k A WEEK

or John Terry in the Champions League final ... £120k A WEEK

or maybe any premiership footballer who has skied it, punted it or just ruthless kick out and caused their team to loose - they are all minmum £20k A WEEK

Referees earn around £40k A YEAR + Match fees, so around £70-85k A YEAR - bit of a differance wouldnt you say? bearing in mind a referee needs to remember the laws...a footballer needs to remember how to kick the ball...
A&H International
No, Charlie, he's paid a lot of money because he's a high profile ref...and the criticism comes with the territory

He knows...and seemingly accepts that

as of 2014 it is £38,500 + match fees and expenses

Atko and Clattenburg were £75-80k as that includes season fees for Uefa

Webb was £120k due to FIFA as well as Uefa and PL
I still say Managers and pundits are to blame , Managers say the game was too big for the young Refs when they get thumped ....but they cant say that about the big Uefa and Fifa boys because they are higher profile than the Managers . then its just the ref was poor today, and sometimes they are !!!

So are Managers tactics and players performances pretty bad sometimes!!!!

us poor old refs are just scapegoats every week , at every level , that is a fact

The wages are an irrelevant side issue , if you work your way to the top you get paid the most , in any field of employment

Its staring us in the face

we should not be tearing our fellow Refs apart on here, they do the same job , just at a higher level with more pressure
As Oscar Wilde once said........

Better to be talked about than never to be talked about at all