first game - hearing probs


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Had my first game today (u15) and enjoyed it very much.

I did fail to blow for an obvious foul with 20 minutes to go however, which turned one team quite mad for the rest of the game (and they were right to be so..). However, the incident didn't have too much influence on the scoreline: 7-3.
I had a good laugh with some parents' comments, and eventually all the players congratulated me with my game.

Looking forward to my second game, next weekend!
One thing: does any of you also experience some sort of 'impact' on the hearing (don't really know how to explain it properly in English, hope you understand it) after a game, because of the loud whistling?
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A&H International
Glad to hear the game went well.

You may need to look at the whistle you use if the tone is causing you hearing issues - what are you using at the moment?
Get a sonik blast. Much more mellow than the classic so less pain on the ears but you have to blow it really really hard to make it almost as loud as the classic ;)
Just a question, you said you failed to blow for an obvious foul... why?

With the whistling issue, I wouldn't worry too much. After a few games you'll probably get used to blowing softer. With parks football a loud whistle generally isn't needed except of course for potentially inflammable situations (VC, SFP)
Just a question, you said you failed to blow for an obvious foul... why?

With the whistling issue, I wouldn't worry too much. After a few games you'll probably get used to blowing softer. With parks football a loud whistle generally isn't needed except of course for potentially inflammable situations (VC, SFP)

The foot of a player of team a was raised way too high. I immediately thought 'foul' but I somehow didn't whistle. I think my reaction was a bit too late, so I decided not to whistle, hoping the consequences wouldn't be too bad.

Afterwards, team a knew I was quite 'tolerant' so they continued their rough play (mainly pushes).

After the game, my mentor told me to stop thinking as a player and start thinking as a ref, and I highly agreed on that. I've been playing football myself for 10 years, last year in u23. There, this rough play was quite normal, so my reaction at the u15 game was also to continue play.
I was quite wrong :) that should be way better next week.

on the whistling: my mentor told me the noise was even a little bit too soft.. I guess I'll just see how the hearing problems develop.