The Ref Stop

Indirect FK???


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Had a match last weekend where there was a off the ball incident (Blue slapped Red in the face) does that mean its indirect FK from where the incident happened?? also what happens if it was in the box??
The Ref Stop
Its a direct fk from where the slap occurred (along with a red card) if the ball was in play.
If it happens in the box then its a penalty
so even if the ball is on the halfway line in play and it happens inside the box its still a penalty? What would happen if the ball was out of play?
Thanks for the responses, im a new referee
Correct, if the ball was out of play you would show the red card and restart with the throw or corner ect

Ball in play - Both players on field of play - Direct free kick from point of incident
Ball out of play - restart according to laws of the game (ie throw in, corner etc)
Ball in play - play stopped to issue caution (eg dissent etc) - Indirect free kick where play stopped.

Ball in play - incident involving players outside of play - I ALWAYS GET CONFUSED HERE but i think Indirect from where play stopped.

Ball in play - player in field hits player outside field = I FORGOT :(

Ball in play - player off field hits player in play = I FORGOT AGAIN :(


Ball in play - player hits referee = HOW DO YOU RESTART????

1 correct
2 correct
3 incorrect - restart from where player was when he said the dissent IDK
4 incorrect - IDK from where ball was when foul committed
5 - 6 ( was the contact on the field or off)
Bonus - dont restart play, abandon the game

1 correct
2 correct
3 incorrect - restart from where player was when he said the dissent IDK
4 incorrect - IDK from where ball was when foul committed
5 - 6 ( was the contact on the field or off)
Bonus - dont restart play, abandon the game

I don't agree with number 3 -------- its an indirect free kick from where play was stopped.

• the players concerned are cautioned
• the match is restarted with an indirect free kick, to be taken by a player of
the opposing team from the position of the ball at the time of the stoppage
(see Law 13 – Position of free kick)

NUMBER 4 - Thats what i stated also - Indirect from where play stopped

NUMBER 5 - Ball in play - player standing in field hits player standing outside field of play ???????????

NUMBER 6 - Ball in play - player outside field of play hit player standing in field of play????????

BONUS - indirect free kick from where play stopped ???????????????????
  • If the ball is in play and the offence occurred outside the field of play:
– if the player is already off the field of play and commits the offence,

play is restarted with a dropped ball from the position of the ball when play was stopped, unless play was stopped inside the goal area, in which case the referee drops the ball on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the ball was located when play was stopped

- if the player leaves the field of play to commit the offence, play is restarted with an indirect free kick from the position of the ball when play was stopped (see Law 13 –Position of free kick)
Do note that all of these cases are a player vs an opponent.

A player vs a teammate is a different kettle of tea (or fish, whichever you prefer...)

Ball in play - Both players on field of play - Direct free kick from point of incident
Ball out of play - restart according to laws of the game (ie throw in, corner etc)
Ball in play - play stopped to issue caution (eg dissent etc) - Indirect free kick where play stopped.

Ball in play - incident involving players outside of play - I ALWAYS GET CONFUSED HERE but i think Indirect from where play stopped.

Ball in play - player in field hits player outside field = I FORGOT :(

Ball in play - player off field hits player in play = I FORGOT AGAIN :(


Ball in play - player hits referee = HOW DO YOU RESTART????

I don't, I go home at that point !
Yeah, in my LOTG exam I did yesterday I had a question which was 'a player throws his boot at the referee. Do you a) give a direct free kick and caution the offender? B) Do nothing as no offense has been committed? C) Send player from field of play and give an indirect free kick where the contact is made.
I wouldn't give any free kick - Id send him off and go home.
Yeah, in my LOTG exam I did yesterday I had a question which was 'a player throws his boot at the referee. Do you a) give a direct free kick and caution the offender? B) Do nothing as no offense has been committed? C) Send player from field of play and give an indirect free kick where the contact is made.
I wouldn't give any free kick - Id send him off and go home.

These questions are fantastic!

Re: Boot thrown
I believe it is a red card and in direct free kick from where ball was when play stopped. But i do stand to be corrected,

1) player thrown a boot at an opponent
2) player throws boot at the ball
Your harder questions: 1) That's violent conduct, red card and an indirect free kick. 2) That's handball and you give a card or no card depending on the position and context of the game and current attack. :)
Are you sure indirect free kick? A boot thrown is similar to a punch. Why Indirect?

Where do you take the indirect free kick? Where it is thrown or where it hit the player?

Handball is always direct.

Remember keepers cannot be caught for handball if in their box.
So if a keeper throws a boot or glove etc at the ball while the ball in the box what is it?
What if the ball was outside the box?
What if the keeper threw a boot to stop thw ball from going in the goal?

Bare in mind i forgot the answers. I only remember when i have an upgrade. Typical referee i am :(
You've opened up a real issue in the LOTG with the keeper bit! Not sure about IFK because just realised its striking an opponent. Never mind!!

If the ball was outside box its an FK - contact is outside the penalty area.
GK throws glove/boot/shinpad at the ball inside his own area? YC, IFK. It's a Q from the Q&A that came with the old 2006 LotG.