The Ref Stop

Six Games Completed


New Member
Hi, just a couple of questions..

I have complted my six games and sent them back to Cheshire HQ through the post about three weeks ago.

1). When should i expect to hear anything back or get my badges?

2). Will they send both my local league badge and the FA badge?

Thanks in advance.
The Ref Stop
Think it may differ from county to county, i received my FA badge several months after completing my 6 games, and then my county dont give you a county badge so had to buy some @ £5 each
I completed my 6 in early Janaury and still haven't had my FA badge so don't hold your breath on that appearing any time soon! Unless of course I am just terribly unlucky and it's been lost or forgotten somewhere.

County badges...if anyone can suggest a place to buy these from I'd be delighted as I can't seem to find them anywhere. I'm West Riding.
I bought mine directly from the county, contact your RDO, he/she should be able to sort it, mine cost £5 each
I completed my 6 in early Janaury and still haven't had my FA badge so don't hold your breath on that appearing any time soon! Unless of course I am just terribly unlucky and it's been lost or forgotten somewhere.

County badges...if anyone can suggest a place to buy these from I'd be delighted as I can't seem to find them anywhere. I'm West Riding.
Contact the RDO at county offices, Steve Rhodes.
Contact the RDO at county offices, Steve Rhodes.
He's on holiday, so phone Bobby Madley or Mark Haywood 0113 2821222 option 3

I completed my 6 in early Janaury and still haven't had my FA badge so don't hold your breath on that appearing any time soon! Unless of course I am just terribly unlucky and it's been lost or forgotten somewhere.

County badges...if anyone can suggest a place to buy these from I'd be delighted as I can't seem to find them anywhere. I'm West Riding.
Also you won't be signed off as a Level 7 until you complete Module 5 of your course which is a callback evening. One more thing, you are not supposed to wear a County badge until you have been promoted to County Referee (level 6). West Riding charge £1.50 per badge once you are eligible to wear it, but there's nothing to stop you having one embroidered on your kit.
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He's on holiday, so phone Bobby Madley or Mark Haywood 0113 2821222 option 3

Also you won't be signed off as a Level 7 until you complete Module 5 of your course which is a callback evening. One more thing, you are not supposed to wear a County badge until you have been promoted to County Referee (level 6). West Riding charge £1.50 per badge once you are eligible to wear it, but there's nothing to stop you having one embroidered on your kit.

Bobby Madley is answering calls for the CFA!?
Fair play for remembering your roots!
Thanks guys, I got in touch with Trevor Massey who is part of Cheshire FA now I think, and he kindly sent me one for free the next day. He also said that the FA had received my games but they can take up to three months to actually reply and send a FAMOA badge out.
Thanks guys, I got in touch with Trevor Massey who is part of Cheshire FA now I think, and he kindly sent me one for free the next day. He also said that the FA had received my games but they can take up to three months to actually reply and send a FAMOA badge out.
Typical of Trevor. Such a decent, friendly man. If you ever get invited to one of his presentations, make sure you go. Hilarious and informative. Ask him about the corner flag.
Typical of Trevor. Such a decent, friendly man. If you ever get invited to one of his presentations, make sure you go. Hilarious and informative. Ask him about the corner flag.

Yes it was very good of him :). I will definitely if I get the chance, they actually shown us the infamous corner flag incident on our course.. Poor Trevor! :D
Ouch. Ouch indeed. Shockingly unnecessary challenge as well. Should have been waving his flag vigorously as he was falling to the ground ;)