Taking a Break!


RefChat Addict
As some of the regulars may have noticed, I haven't been as active on the forum since the season ended. I decided, after a difficult few seasons, to get away from refereeing totally for the summer; absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say!

Unfortunately, however, I've decided to take a break from the game for a few months. Over the last few years, player, coach and spectator behaviour has reached an all time low; zero respect and a total disregard for the feelings of others. Most of the time, players and coaches go out of their way to make the job of the referee impossible. It didn't used to be like this.

The enjoyment has gone, and without that, what's the point?

I called the appointments secretary of my league to step down this morning. I may take a season away, perhaps only a few months, but my head simply isn't in the right place. I do plan to continue refereeing academy football on every second Sunday to keep my toes in the water so to speak, but the behaviour of your average youth player has given me no choice but to walk away from everything else.

Having just graduated, I'm due to start my new job next month and now seems like a logical time to take a break.

I do plan to stay active on the forum, so you don't get rid of me that easily! :D
A&H International
I agree, if the enjoyment has gone, take a break. Your experience on the FOP will no doubt be missed, hopefully you will come back to the game in good time . As a new referee (Level 4 - Australia) who has played the game all my life, I have been a little shocked by the lack of respect in the adult games I've been appointed to this season.

I'm interested to know what you put the decline in player, coach and spectator behaviour down to?
Look after yourself mate. Sounds like you have a lot of life going on at the moment. Hopefully the love for the whistle will rekindle at some point!

Look after yourself mate. Sounds like you have a lot of life going on at the moment. Hopefully the love for the whistle will rekindle at some point!


I certainly hope so. Thanks SM! :)

I agree, if the enjoyment has gone, take a break. Your experience on the FOP will no doubt be missed, hopefully you will come back to the game in good time . As a new referee (Level 4 - Australia) who has played the game all my life, I have been a little shocked by the lack of respect in the adult games I've been appointed to this season.

I'm interested to know what you put the decline in player, coach and spectator behaviour down to?

It's difficult to identify one cause to be honest. I'd put a lot of it down to a general decline in society these days, younger players have no respect for those in authority. I'd also put it down the the total lack of action at the top level, dissent and abuse has, unfortunately, become an accepted part of the game.