
A&H International
Nothing wrong with that, as long as it wasn't too long and too excessive then i would just have a quiet word
Absolutely nothing in LOTG which requires any decision or input from the referee. Let's not make it up as we go along!
So for the sake of debate : if that player was about to get tackled and he held the ball with both knees so the attacker couldn't get the ball you wouldn't say something?
So for the sake of debate : if that player was about to get tackled and he held the ball with both knees so the attacker couldn't get the ball you wouldn't say something?

In that scenario yes i would say something, however in the video what has the player done wrong other than make himself look a prat?
To play devils advpcate; What about when a player charges in all aggrieved and tries to kick the ball?
So @richard ramjane @Alex Rush-Fear are you saying that the IDFK and caution are justified?

no squire, what i was saying was that other than make himself look a prat he's made himself a target....
i think a quiet word in that situation would suffice... for his own protection. i can honestly say that i have played with people that would actively seek someone out and hurt them if they behaved like that.
much like the player i had a few weeks back that wouldnt stop singing, dancing, running circles around the keeper at corners etc... he was just having a bit of fun like this fella here, but i had to get the captain in and advise him that someone would take things into their own hands should he continue.
i havent heard the commentary on this clip though, so dont know if theres any indication that the ref maybe has addressed similar behaviour earlier in the game... would that make a difference ?
Not sure what your point is?
Showboating only shows just that little bit extra skill which you you won't normally be given time to do in an fast paced match, people will think you are just showing off (IMO) if it occured in one of my matches it wouldn't normally bother me.... but only if it would cause problems(i.e. circumventing as i previously stated) never come across it in 11 years.
It's one thing giving a free kick to protect a player who is showboating, or more likely holding it in the corner in the last minute. I'm sure many of us on here have found a defensive free kick in that latter situation to avoid someone coming steaming in and the inevitable mass brawl that will kick off in the last few minutes. But why the caution?
Nothing wrong with this caution. I'm not saying you have to give it but that player is being pretty much as unsporting as you can be. No one can say the referee is wrong in law. Player is showing a complete lack of respect for his opponents and is almost provacative.
Surely even if you consider this to be unsporting conduct, sensible refereeing would suggest you warn the player at least once before whipping out an unexpected caution?
Surely even if you consider this to be unsporting conduct, sensible refereeing would suggest you warn the player at least once before whipping out an unexpected caution?

One of the reasons i posted this in the first place is because i thought it was funny. I didn't think for one second people would actually agree with the referee's course of action.

Sorry but for me if you get the card out for this then you are just making a rod for your own back.
Are none of us cautioning for this then? (30 seconds in)

A caution here prob saved a straight red seconds later. Not that we should caution for that, but showing such complete disrespect for you opponent is an easy sell caution