Penalty ?

If the penalty was not for the hand ball it seems strange that the clubs etc said in interviews after the match that it was.

Now I accept that clubs will only hear what they want to hear, but I'd assume that the ref would have clarified what it was actually given for at the time.
A&H International
Does anyone know the referee who might be able to clarify the decision? Or maybe they are too embarrassed to admit it? Also, would anyone give the keeper a yellow for coming of his line? Or order a retake for the number of players encroaching? :devil:
Not necessarily....however if he blew to stop play for the jostling..I would assume the appropriate restart (one which will cause the least angst) would be for the whistle to start play again given not everyone will see him signalling by hand behind them.
Do you have to blow the whistle to signify the corner can be taken?
I think this is perhaps an important detail in working out what has actually happened here. If we for a second assume that the referee was never intending to blow his whistle to allow the corner to be taken, then it starts to make more sense as an incident.

If the corner is taken and the whistle is blown with the ball in mid-air because the referee has spotted some pushing/holding, then we have perfect justification for a penalty. The fact the defender then went on to catch the ball is potentially irrelevant.
Do you have to blow the whistle to signify the corner can be taken?

But best practice to, if you have previously blown the whistle to "stop" play - ie to prevent holding in this case - isn't it?

Can see where you are coming from though, in law, its not necessary to blow the whistle to restart play.

Crux of the matter here seems to be, is the "2nd" whistle meant to restart play or to award a penalty.

We all agree its "messy" but can see where you're coming from now with your "nothing wrong in law" assertion - that's what I like about this forum - (most of the time!) its possible to have a sensible discussion/debate without it turning into insult trading! Cheers
Correct, I am not suggesting what he had done is correct, far from it. He has made himself particularly unpopular with one team- I bet his club marks were low.

We don't see enough of the footage before the corner was taken to draw proper conclusions or indeed if he spoke to the lino, suffice to say he wasn't wrong in law. I think most of us, me included, would have concocted a scenario whereby you speak to a couple of players about holding and get the corner retaken. It's about managing the game and expectations - no one was expecting a penalty so why surprise them.