Forgive me Refchat, for I (may) have sinned ....

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:D. Handling your input just fine thanks Brian. Was simply hoping for some more thoughtful, considered responses to what was very much a one off situation. But your perspective is clear and I shall redouble my efforts to not let you down in future :rolleyes:
You've not let me down.

You've let the teams down, you've let The FA down and worst of all, you've let yourself down.


P.S. you asked for that ;)

Well **** me! Have we all taken our perfect pills again? As @SM has said, can we try and actually give some constructive criticism rather than the usual "my **** don't stink" responses.
Why should I condone a referee not doing the job right? If she or he hasn't done the job, and I'm pretty sure the title gives it away that he knows he didn't, I'm not giving out medals.

You know from previous posts that I can be constructive, I can be supportive and I can be understanding, especially of inexperienced referees (not always I will admit) BUT on this occasion a Level 5 has not fulfilled his obligations. Now if this player scores the winning goal in a league title decider or a cup semi-final in two weeks, is that right?
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A&H International
Not really sure what "constructive" comments can be made around a situation where a senior colleague has completely neglected their obligations towards a mandatory caution?

"There there, it doesn't matter...."?
Well **** me!

Wouldn't even kiss ye! (my usual response to players who say that or xxxx me, ref!)

As for the op, if it's a cautionable offence, then why didn't you? I understand you were in the process of cautioning the player and then noticed the nose stud? Was this a second caution then? Did you advise them pre-match no jewellery? Sorry stirring pot. Would have still issued caution if you thought it was, although seems like common sense used so wouldn't hang you for it. Although as @xPositor says could have added to his 5! Take a slap on the wrist and behave next time. :redcard:
@Russell Jones ... listen pal - you was the ref, you did as you see fit, you know what you should have done - where is the issue? Maybe you should have cautioned him, and then said - 'by the way fella, that nose stud needs removing - ill call you back on when my AR is happy with it' - although if no player was asking for the caution, did the tackle definitely warrant one? or could it have been a manageable anyway?

in regards to your comments @Padfoot - we are talking about a referee that hasn't cautioned a player for a foul ... not a policeman that hasn't arrested a rapist ... 'Don't worry sarg, I managed the situation ... he won't be raping anyone anytime soon' :rolleyes::rolleyes: How about we tone it down a little?

God forbid you ever assess/observe me!
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