The Ref Stop

Open Age A team that dislike me


RefChat Addict
Before I start, I want to make it known that this team that moans has my 2 brothers play for them.

Reason I mention this is because the manager seems to think I have a huge grudge with them and whenever I do them they seem to think anything 50/50 goes against them, well actually, everything does.

And this despite me telling the league I should not do them because of relations but the ref sec said he knows me too well to let that get in the way.

Anyway, today I was appointed them again for the third time this season.

I had heard that my last game the manager rated me a 5 (out of 100). He said he was appalled by having me. Even said today that results don't lie when I have them and that everything I do doesn't do them any good.

In the 3 games I've had them, I have cautioned 11 players of theirs and sent off 3. In fact 2 players have been cautioned in all 3 games. They are not overly dirty but they do keep on and on at me. One stops following a caution. The other doesn't. One of those 2 was sent off in the previous fixture for stamping on an opponent - whilst I was talking to the two. Literally 1 yard directly in front of me. And they contested it!

Today they lost 12-0. They had 4 penalties given against them. Apparently all my fault. A player took himself off midway through second half. He was injured in a clash that I actually gave no free kick for as I felt both players went in for a 50/50 challenge and the opposing player actually won the ball, it was just the clash that hurt the man, nothing else sinister. But yet again I'm made out to be the bad guy.

In the pub after the game my two brothers both told me via text that the manager was reporting me AGAIN and giving me a very low mark saying again I have problems with them.

This may sound like I do have a problem (now) with them but I still don't care about them. But since have instructed the ref sec that I will refuse to referee them again.

Anyone had a team like this and if so, what have you done about it?
The Ref Stop
Sometimes you have to stick to your principles and refuse to referee them again. Your appointment secretary has to respect your wishes.
I believe that you should always face your demons and not let these teams ruin your hobby but there's no point in doing them again if there are other games for you.
I have refused to officiate on a particular local team following a couple of really unsavoury experiences. I was assistant both times but informed the league, district and county that I won't do games involving this team again. I was appointed to referee a district cup final 2 seasons ago and when this team won their semi final I stepped down and didn't do the game. I would much rather stay at home.
Stand by your gut feelings Ashleigh and have a word with the secretary again.
Before I start, I want to make it known that this team that moans has my 2 brothers play for them.
Do you feel comfortable refereeing teams where you have close personal connections? When I register with my local leagues each season one of the sections on the form asks about conflict of interest or connections to certain teams. If I had brothers playing for a particular team I'd certainly declare this and I have confidence that the match secretary would not allocate me to their matches.
Do you change your style of refereeing when you do this team? Do you do anything differently then any other week? Other than the fact your brothers play for, I wouldn't care a jot.

I have previously had clear the air talks with a club and it worked basically told them I was responsible for making decisions that they made me make and I couldn't careless about who they are who won the worked on 2 out of 3 times. The third one reported me for bias and were ripped to shreds when I was able to show they had disciplinary problems with other refs and that they had actually won/drawn more games when I reffed them than their average. Think they hate me even more now but guess what I couldn't care less.

Don't let them ruin it for you do your job try to enjoy your reffing and remember Nil Illegitimi Carborundum!
Do you feel comfortable refereeing teams where you have close personal connections? When I register with my local leagues each season one of the sections on the form asks about conflict of interest or connections to certain teams. If I had brothers playing for a particular team I'd certainly declare this and I have confidence that the match secretary would not allocate me to their matches.

I have never had an issue refereeing my brothers before.
I never even realised that they even moved into the league I officiated in until the morning of the first meeting. It was after that game I told the ref sec about it and he said he has no problems with me doing them as the opponents on first game said I was very good and took no crap from anyone. Not only had they moved they changed their team name. I've always put there team name in in the past and been given their game as a last resort or something but as they changed their name I was non the wiser.

Do you change your style of refereeing when you do this team? Do you do anything differently then any other week? Other than the fact your brothers play for, I wouldn't care a jot.

I have previously had clear the air talks with a club and it worked basically told them I was responsible for making decisions that they made me make and I couldn't careless about who they are who won the worked on 2 out of 3 times. The third one reported me for bias and were ripped to shreds when I was able to show they had disciplinary problems with other refs and that they had actually won/drawn more games when I reffed them than their average. Think they hate me even more now but guess what I couldn't care less.

Don't let them ruin it for you do your job try to enjoy your reffing and remember Nil Illegitimi Carborundum!

I dont change my style at all. I tell the opponents that my brothers are involved with the other team and I guarantee them that I am fair to all.
I actually cautioned one of my brothers yesterday. Can imagine the next family get together when he receives his fine.
I was also appointed to a semi final of theirs a few years back as an assistant. I flagged and effectively awarded a goal against my brother when he let a ball through his legs. On the pitch I don't pay attention to who the player is (as in if I know them or not), I am more focused on the game itself and my own job. They got a job to do and so do I.
On the pitch I don't pay attention to who the player is (as in if I know them or not), I am more focused on the game itself and my own job. They got a job to do and so do I.

In that case don't beat yourself up about someone's opinion of you trust me there are enough people put there hating us with out us hating ourselves.
I had a similar problem when i first started reffing, as the the team i used to train with, actually got into reffing because i didnt get any games, were in the league i registered with.

I told the league several times but they assigned me to their games anyway. I got my first caution and first red with this team. Took a couple of games, them trying to push their luck etc, but theyre now a joy to ref, could be related to a number of players leaving over the summer though.

Do you think this team dislike you because your brothers play for them, as some teams are just dicks.