The Ref Stop

Bizarre throw in technique


Active Member
Level 6 Referee

Thoughts on this?

Referee gives a foul throw but there doesn't seem to be much wrong with it? Both feet are on the ground and the ball comes over his head?
The Ref Stop
Well, you cannot take a throw-in from a seated position, so I'm betting that the referee (or AR) felt that the player was seated at the time of the throw. I've looked at the clip frame by frame, and at the time of the throw, the only parts of the player on the ground are his feet.

Having said that, it's very close and he does bounce back down to the ground quickly, so I can see how it may have been missed.
I wonder whether this has been interpreted as the player not facing the field of play when taking it, as most of his body is facing the sky?
That was my thought - not facing the field of play.

Frankly he's having a play and begging to be called for something. I'd blow the whistle too and assume something - like his feet weren't on the ground, or it wasn't two hands, or it wasnt quite over his head etc. I'd find a reason as did this ref. Imagine if it went into the box and someone headed it in - as the ref would you be really sure it wasn't a foul throw?? No.
At point of delivery he covers all the bases for a legal throw, players used to do a flik flak before release and this was okay. This sort of thing needs the IFABs input.
I was going to say 'spirit of the game - throw should be standing' but then I realised it's much, much simpler.

Throw needs to start from behind the head. This didn't. The LOTG are clear that this was an incorrectly taken throw.

Well, you cannot take a throw-in from a seated position,.
This isn't explicitly stated in the LOTG though
Faces play - Check
Feet Ok - Check
Both hands - Check
Delivery from behind head - Check

Strange technique that i certainly couldn't replicate but it looks fine to me..
How can you argue this has been delivered from behind the head? It doesn't go behind his head at all.

I also don't see how you would argue that he's facing the field- he's facing the sky!!
How can you argue this has been delivered from behind the head? It doesn't go behind his head at all.

I also don't see how you would argue that he's facing the field- he's facing the sky!!
By that logic, a player standing at the side of the pitch and looking horizontally isn't facing the pitch either, he's facing the stand opposite?

I don't think that aspect of the law is intended to do anything other than stop people throwing it backwards over their head.
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At point of delivery he covers all the bases for a legal throw, players used to do a flik flak before release and this was okay. This sort of thing needs the IFABs input.
Although he doesn't do a flip first, the final position when he throws the ball is very similar to how many 'flip throwers' end up at the moment of delivering the ball.

And at least when it comes to a flip throw, we did have input from FIFA (back at a time when the IFAB didn't typically release its own rulings) saying that a flip throw is fine as long as at the moment of delivery, the requirements of the law are met. They even singled out this example by Brazilian Leah for special praise.

Looking at the video, I'd have to say I don't see a massive difference between Leah's body position at the moment of delivering the ball, and that shown in the OP.

By that logic, a player standing at the side of the pitch and looking horizontally isn't facing the pitch either, he's facing the stand opposite?

I don't think that aspect of the law is intended to do anything other than stop people throwing it backwards over their head.

Huh? You can't take a TI forwards without it ending up on the field without facing the field. Might be facing a corner of the field but you're facing the field. Nice try but a swing and a miss :d

Isn't it great when someone out foxes the Law geeks and they start squirming for it's denial.
Lol, righto then. Tell me how that one is behind the head.

I'd LOVE to see some of your games after allowing something like this :D:D:D
Not facing field of play (unless the field is floating above him), ball doesn't come from behind his head (he is lying on his back and his head is maybe 4 inches of the ground) and at time of release I can't exactly see where his feet are but would question that aspect as well.
Throw needs to start from behind the head. This didn't. The LOTG are clear that this was an incorrectly taken throw.
This does start behind the head though...


This isn't explicitly stated in the LOTG though
The throw-in from standing position was an interpretation or instruction from a number of years ago -- I'm trying to find reference to it but having some trouble. I do know that the USSF had a directive stating that a throw-in could not be made from a kneeling position (that was put out in 2012 I think?).
Huh? You can't take a TI forwards without it ending up on the field without facing the field. Might be facing a corner of the field but you're facing the field. Nice try but a swing and a miss :d
But this guy took a throw his way and it ended up on the field? The point I'm making is that "he's facing the sky" is a overly-pedantic justification for disallowing the goal, as a normal thrower could easily not be "facing" the field of play if he's simply looking straight ahead.

This guy took the throw, it went in the direction he was facing and it ended up on the pitch. You're arguing that the throw should be disallowed because he's facing the sky - and I'm suggesting that logic makes it a foul throw if a player was to take a thrown "normally", but looking directly upwards as he did so!

There are lots of reasons to call this as a foul throw (including common sense and match control!), but I don't think the "facing the pitch" line of the laws is one of them.
Well, you cannot take a throw-in from a seated position...
This isn't explicitly stated in the LOTG though
And found where the reference was for seated throw-ins... the 2006 Q&A:

FIFA 2006 LotG Q&A said:
7. Is a player allowed to take a throw-in kneeling or sitting down?

No. A throw-in is only permitted if the correct procedures in the Laws of the Game are followed.
it's like the debate over the sri-lankan bowlers' actions ..... looked dodgy but were within their particular rules.
You'd need proper up close video footage of this guys technique to analyse whether it was within our laws or not and allow him to continue (or not) as the case may be.