The Ref Stop

Open Age A team of moaners...


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

Reffed a pre-season friendly this morning, both teams absolutely fine for the first 20 minutes or so, no issues at all.

The away team go 1-0 down and then start to step up the energy, lots of niggly fouls in the next 5 minutes - from there they start appealing for everything, any contact and touch, just fairly constant moaning - they got fouls given, as I saw them, but they were appealing and moaning for decisions they knew weren't right.

The issue is that it's not just one or two players it's 7 or 8, I bring the captain in, but he's probably the main offender.

It really got to the point where the other team were actively telling them to be quiet and I had stern words with players but to no avail.

Any advice for how to deal with this moving forward?

Thanks in advance.

The Ref Stop
It's a hard one, were they just shouting for stuff, or were they arguing about decisions that were given against them?
Thanks for the comments everyone.

I take the point concerning the use of cards, but the problem is that it wasn't necessarily the same few players complaining, more 7 or 8 different players so I think it's tricky to book a player if for instance it's the first time they've complained, but maybe the 6th or 7th complaint from the team altogether - I hope that makes sense.
as i tell our young referees we dont give you nice shiny cards to keep in your pocket, they will soon shut up
Thanks for the comments everyone.

I take the point concerning the use of cards, but the problem is that it wasn't necessarily the same few players complaining, more 7 or 8 different players so I think it's tricky to book a player if for instance it's the first time they've complained, but maybe the 6th or 7th complaint from the team altogether - I hope that makes sense.
This is where the steped approach should be used. Get 1 offender in with the captain. Tell the offender, hes getting lucky with a final warning. Tell captain this is a team warning and anymore from anyone will not be met with the same leniency. Next one. Caution... as you promised.
Great advice above, as a new ref i have certainly had similar once or twice already. As a general question, has anyone ever booked a player for unsporting behaviour (or threatened to) if a player constantly appeals for decisions even when clearly falsely particularly throw ins etc ie clear cut, surely it's unsporting behaviour? Not dissent if it's before decision given. Very similar to simulation really
Great advice above, as a new ref i have certainly had similar once or twice already. As a general question, has anyone ever booked a player for unsporting behaviour (or threatened to) if a player constantly appeals for decisions even when clearly falsely particularly throw ins etc ie clear cut, surely it's unsporting behaviour? Not dissent if it's before decision given. Very similar to simulation really

For me, thats where your management skills come in, rather than a sanction. I could imagine me firstly asking the player to behave, then if need be telling him he is drawing attention to himself and running a risk of picking up an avoidable booking for his next offence. Probably use his team mates aswell and say to them, any chance you can ask xxx to calm it, he is doing himself no favours
I would be very tempted to caution him for any "soft" foul though, rather than appealing for decisions.
The issue is that it's not just one or two players it's 7 or 8, I bring the captain in, but he's probably the main offender.

The use him as an example, he is captain so should lead his team. When you get fed up of him - bring him in, and tell (NOT DISCUSS) "Captain, I have been hearing from you for xx minutes of the game. Set an example for your team as the continuing comments are now becoming close to dissent. I have allowed the comments to now, but that's enough. Now go away and warn your team, as there will be no more".

Just book the first one that dissents after you've had enough, doesn't matter whether it's his first, dissent is dissent. Let it escalate and you've only got yourself to blame that you've not acted quicker!

That's is the action to take. Dissent is not necessarily just the latest comment, but can be seen to be cumulative = constant moaning undermines your authority as much as a single comment.

This is where the stepped approach should be used. Get 1 offender in with the captain. Tell the offender, hes getting lucky with a final warning. Tell captain this is a team warning and anymore from anyone will not be met with the same leniency. Next one. Caution... as you promised.

When using the stepped approach and you get the captain in, you should not be speaking to the player. As you have decided to reach this level of the stepped approach, the comments should be the captain about the attitude of the player. Since you are using the captain, he should be ensuring the compliance of the player so the team can have no concerns when you caution him for the next offence. This is particularly relevant for the PI / contact moaning.
Can I ask, on this, using captains approach..
Your getting bit of grief from centre forward, eventually, he over steps the mark over a goal kick,corner kick clash and you have the, speak to the captain mindset
The captain is the gk
Do yoh really drag the keeper 70 80 yards up the park !
Do you all meet at halfway!
Do you take the striker to the gk?

My take on it is, any captain worth his salt will be aware enough of who is causing a problem without me highlighting it to them. I cannot recall a single instance in scottish football at any level where I have witnessed this approach. Not saying its right or wrong, its just not the done thing. I know at grass roots level here you would be laughed off the park for attempting it, bringing in a strapping Easterhouse captain because you are having a problem with moaning ginger winger would no doubt end with a yc to the captain during your dialogue and players from both teams telling you to man up and get on with the game

And you really going to call in a 12 yo to deal with a dissent issue that you have? Is there an age where you dont use this practise?
At the other extreme, take Man Utds 90s team. Cantona and Schmeical despised each other so approaching Eric to ask him to help you with Schmeical would be carnage!
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Can I ask, on this, using captains approach..
Your getting bit of grief from centre forward, eventually, he over steps the mark over a goal kick,corner kick clash and you have the, speak to the captain mindset
The captain is the gk
Do yoh really drag the keeper 70 80 yards up the park !
Do you all meet at halfway!
Do you take the striker to the gk?

My take on it is, any captain worth his salt will be aware enough of who is causing a problem without me highlighting it to them. I cannot recall a single instance in scottish football at any level where I have witnessed this approach. Not saying its right or wrong, its just not the done thing. I know at grass roots level here you would be laughed off the park for attempting it, bringing in a strapping Easterhouse captain because you are having a problem with moaning ginger winger would no doubt end with a yc to the captain during your dialogue and players from both teams telling you to man up and get on with the game

And you really going to call in a 12 yo to deal with a dissent issue that you have? Is there an age where you dont use this practise?
At the other extreme, take Man Utds 90s team. Cantona and Schmeical despised each other so approaching Eric to ask him to help you with Schmeical would be carnage!
Tbf on my ref course they said if it's keeper ask him at start of game, rather then dragging you up etc is there anyone you suggest speaking to etc
In England, if the goalkeeper is the captain, the referee asks for the team to identify an outfield player who could act for instances like @Ciley Myrus describes. You would bring the two players to you.

Yes this is an FA suggestion to help manage the game. It does appear to work down here.
Just book the first one that dissents after you've had enough, doesn't matter whether it's his first, dissent is dissent. Let it escalate and you've only got yourself to blame that you've not acted quicker!

Just book the first one that dissents after you've had enough, doesn't matter whether it's his first, dissent is dissent. Let it escalate and you've only got yourself to blame that you've not acted quicker!

This also works, my first caution last season was for dissent, 5-10 minutes in to the first half.

Defender felt a throw should have gone to his team, so piped up with "****ing hell ref" from 20 yes away.

No complaints, and no more dissent for the rest of the match.