African Adventure

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Anyone been to The Gambia, I'm going tomorrow! Any things to do or see??

My original trip was cancelled in February due to Election and possible Martial Law issues but all seems OK now!!

Where is 008 when I need him??
A&H International
Anyone been to The Gambia, I'm going tomorrow! Any things to do or see??

My original trip was cancelled in February due to Election and possible Martial Law issues but all seems OK now!!

Where is 008 when I need him??

Recovering from Irma and Maria! Forget what you've seen on the internet about twins with tempers :wide:
Low speed Internet, slums and dodgy locals talking a funny dialect.... That was Essex last week unfortunately!!!... The Gambian nation is brilliant!!!
IMG_E3120.JPG Talking seriously for a min, the real reasons I came here was to firstly, have a holiday but secondly to visit my Gambian son-in-laws family in Soto in Central Gambia. Away from the Banjul the capital and the holiday coast it really is another world that i was warned about but didn't expect to be so real. I visited the family enclosure (compound) of his Mandinka tribe where he was originally from and its really a humbling experience! We took used clothes, 6 leather footballs, 20Kgs of rice, sweets for the many children and my son had already donated a fridge that was transported from the UK which was a godsend to the families. The look of the small childrens faces seeing probably the first white people (apart from my daughter who'd been before) in the their lives was just so special. They have just about nothing to their name, and it does bring home how special and lucky we have it relatively around the world. When you hear what the wages are and you'd never moan about a match fee ever again!
I was invited back by the coach of the local football club to give a talk to the players of the local club as they struggle to understand the LOTG as although English is Gambias first language they actually speak Mandinka, a group thats been here for thousands of years, so there is always a problem!!
It takes a lot for a Yorkshireman to empty his wallet as I left but the monies i left will support them for months (and I'm talking about £100 in Dallasi)
Got more pictures but it doesn't do it justice!!
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Nice dress SF. It brings out your eyes:) Wow sounds amazing. We don't realise how lucky we are. I try and donate all my old sports stuff which is still ok.