
A&H International
Owens is brilliant in his responses caught on the microphones.... Two players were dragged apart holding throats, one on the floor, one prone, all off the ball. he gets them together and asked them what was going on!! The response came back, 'don't know', so he said something like, 'well. if none of us know what went on lets get on with the game'.... Fantastic referee!!
The problem is that, thanks to TV, we do know what happened.....the Scotland attempted to rake the eyes of the England player......shame there's no retrospective action in Rugby.

Also, the "knock on" call by Owens when the Scotland player was tackled by an England player, leaving us clean through....was farcical. So many 50/50 decisions went against England....which is not surprising considering the nationality of the referee.

Oh well.....we'll give Scotland a victory every 10 years....just to give them a false sense of hope before normality resumes.
Owens is brilliant in his responses caught on the microphones.... Two players were dragged apart holding throats, one on the floor, one prone, all off the ball. he gets them together and asked them what was going on!! The response came back, 'don't know', so he said something like, 'well. if none of us know what went on lets get on with the game'.... Fantastic referee!!

I wish I was as quick witted.
The problem is that, thanks to TV, we do know what happened.....the Scotland attempted to rake the eyes of the England player......shame there's no retrospective action in Rugby.

Also, the "knock on" call by Owens when the Scotland player was tackled by an England player, leaving us clean through....was farcical. So many 50/50 decisions went against England....which is not surprising considering the nationality of the referee.

Oh well.....we'll give Scotland a victory every 10 years....just to give them a false sense of hope before normality resumes.

There is retrospective action in Rugby though PF, many players get cited for incidents not spotted by the MO's,

Also, the knock on was clearly that, I'm English but I'm not that biased not to see that!
There is retrospective action in Rugby though PF, many players get cited for incidents not spotted by the MO's,

Also, the knock on was clearly that, I'm English but I'm not that biased not to see that!

but it was a result of the tackle not as a result of trying to play the ball.......the England couldn't even see the ball as his head was on the opposite side of his opponents body........

If there isn't recognition of such an inconsequential result of a perfectly legal tackle in Rugby laws.....then it just reinforces what a stupid game it is.
A knock-on occurs when a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or another player before the original player can catch it.

Looked like a knock on to me!!! :(
It was, though, still a knock on.

There is a distinction in rugby between a knock on ( the ball goes accidentally forward from the hands, not a knock on if it comes of head or feet (not sure about torso)) and the game restarts with a scrum, as in this case, or a deliberate knock on which is penalised with a penalty.
It was a knock on, a brilliant spot

Funny the one moaner on the footy stuff ALSO can only see fault on rugby too

I am versed on rugby rules and will do the exam soon, and, that was a sensational display yesterday
Also, did you notice the commentators were also respectful to the referees decision. The agreed with them and wanted to move on. No, let’s find that one spurious angle from 50 cameras that try and out nerd the referees and TMOs prompt decision. 1000% better than Sky who do there best to throw doubt to everything because they can!
So a player makes a perfectly legal tackle, and the ball is dislodged as a result of that strength of tackle....and because it goes "forward" as opposed to sideways etc they get penalised for it......utterly ridiculous.

It would be like penalising a footballer for handball after he has the ball blasted at him from 2 ft away from behind which hits him on the back of arm which is down by his side........absolutely nothing the player the can do about it but lets penalise him anyway.

I get the point about the knock on when trying to catch or play the ball but to have a rule set that allows for players to be penalised for something over which they have absolutely no control or influence is utterly ludicrous.

And it wasn't a "great spot"....it was a complete guess relying on the TV umpire to get a result.
And it wasn't a "great spot"....it was a complete guess relying on the TV umpire to get a result.

If I remember right Owens spotted it in real time and asked the TMO to look at it on the VT, He did, the correct decision as per the Law was reached and try was correctly disallowed, I agree that its a slightly spurious rule but it is a rule. Unlike you to be berating a MO for following the LOTG to the letter??? :cool:
So a player makes a perfectly legal tackle, and the ball is dislodged as a result of that strength of tackle....and because it goes "forward" as opposed to sideways etc they get penalised for it......utterly ridiculous.

It would be like penalising a footballer for handball after he has the ball blasted at him from 2 ft away from behind which hits him on the back of arm which is down by his side........absolutely nothing the player the can do about it but lets penalise him anyway.

I get the point about the knock on when trying to catch or play the ball but to have a rule set that allows for players to be penalised for something over which they have absolutely no control or influence is utterly ludicrous.

And it wasn't a "great spot"....it was a complete guess relying on the TV umpire to get a result.

So you've gone from the decision being wrong (or should I say "farcical") because the referee was biased due to his nationality, to decrying that law of rugby as being "ridiculous", despite your usual mantra that it's our jobs as referees to apply the laws as they are written, and that anyone who fails to do so is incompetent? Or does that just apply to laws that you agree with?

You really are a hypocrite.
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So you've gone from the decision being wrong (or should I say "farcical") because the referee was biased due to his nationality, to decrying that law of rugby as being "ridiculous", despite your usual mantra that it's our jobs as referees to apply the laws as they are written, and that anyone who fails to do so is incompetent? Or does that just apply to laws that you agree with?

You really are an oxygen thief.

I am only concerned with how we enforce the Football Laws.......Rugby is, by and large, a nonsensical game played by nonsensical people, and as such, I am decrying the whole thing.......the fact that their laws allow for such a farcical situation just reinforce that point.
The referee had no idea what had actually happened, he went fishing using the TV referee and got lucky. There had been no protests from the Scotland players.

We await some misguided fancy worded pot of undiluted warm urine.....
We all await your next contribution with eager anticipation.....
Lets calm down with the personal stuff, everyone is allowed their say!!

If you dislike the game PF or the rules then its pretty clear to me, don't watch!

Mr Owens had a great day and wasn't the reason England lost!