Two things

My funniest was Douch bag, I didn’t know whether to be offended or it was a compliment at the time! It was as I was YC’d him and another YC duly followed. I should of googled it’s meaning!
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A&H International
I used to write the actual words used down on the old excel sheets. I can just see the bods at the FA comparing funny swear rap sheets in the County FA offices. Some must of been hilarious
I used to write the actual words used down on the old excel sheets. I can just see the bods at the FA comparing funny swear rap sheets in the County FA offices. Some must of been hilarious
Seems to be a requirement in our reports that we provide exact quotes (or our best recollections). Some of the choice words that have earned the RC when directed at me are: F**ker, a$$hole, c^nt, sh7t for brains....

I've been doing this for a while, so I do appreciate a well-turned phrase, even while I'm pulling out the red card.
Double red if I could.....
Question for you (and others)

If a player walks by and says rather loudly to another play 'effing t**t', would you yank aside and send him off for OFFINABUS?

I guess what I'm really asking is where do you draw the line at letting foul language go, if at all?
If I suspect it's directed at me he's walking........if at the other player I'd need to be there.
Problem with being down sarf, is every other word begins with 'C'
Especially fans of a certain West London Club and to a lessor extent those of an East London Club
I have to turn my hearing aid off, otherwise games would be abandoned after 10 minutes every week...
Seems to be a requirement in our reports that we provide exact quotes (or our best recollections). Some of the choice words that have earned the RC when directed at me are: F**ker, a$$hole, c^nt, sh7t for brains....

I've been doing this for a while, so I do appreciate a well-turned phrase, even while I'm pulling out the red card.
I once counted 7 F’kin this & that’s in one rant all at me after a red, he got 3 months back in the day for that! Met same player 6 months later he was an absolute gentleman.... we shook hands, water under the bridge and got on with it!
I once counted 7 F’kin this & that’s in one rant all at me after a red, he got 3 months back in the day for that! Met same player 6 months later he was an absolute gentleman.... we shook hands, water under the bridge and got on with it!
Yes i got 3 months for letting my hair down once
3 games seems standard now
Back contributing to the FA fund after 3 games, he can even play on different days in other leagues. Who’s the eventual winner winner chicken dinner?? A kn0b will usually always be a kn0b and get done regularly for the same type things! :wtf:
Those are exactly one of two things that I will not be called its red all day long and for that ref too say its frustration he needs educating
Don't forget those vital Club Marks though, you may drop a couple of points if you do your job properly!! Just saying!!! :angel:
Don't forget those vital Club Marks though, you may drop a couple of points if you do your job properly!! Just saying!!! :angel:

I wouldn’t worry about the club marks situation, both my former managers and many I Spk to on the circuit say they’ll never make a ref below the limit of needing to write a match report.

I believe if you score the ref below a certain number you have to write a match report, trust me most I Spk to can’t be arsed.

Makes a mockery of the whole system tbh.
Chaps and chappesses

Bit of a query and would like some input.

Foul on blue 4 hes adamant that the guy should be walking as it would be his second yellow, his team mates drag him away as they understand ive acknowledged the foul and given the FK. He then turns and calls me a "**** c**t". red for me.

After the game was speaking to a senior ref who was watching and said that it was frustration and seemed harsh. I personally will not be called two things on a FOP, a cheat and a Jeremy hunt.

Thoughts please

My thoughts are your 'senior ref' is a moron and is making it harder for the rest of us. "Frustration"??? What a load of crap. Punching somebody is frustration as well. Attitudes like this are WHY football has the most abusive culture compared to any other sport. Players need to be held accountable for their actions - and that player completely crossed the line.

He never called me a cheat, he called me the other. I was saying those are the two things I don't accept
Heh, i once sent off a player. Defender, around the penalty spot, screamed at my AR "YOU F******G CHEATING C**T!!!"
Out comes the red
Over comes the captain: "No no no no no no no ref, he called him a f*****g cheeky c**t"
Brief pause while I process the sheer stupidity of this
"So.....you agree he swore at my AR then? I'll make sure to note that in my report"
I did too! :cool:
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I have had and heard advice from referees who are at a game 'watching' it but would never follow that advice themselves. Reason simple. They are not there to just watch a game but to support a team and their advice is more out of emotion than logic.
My thoughts are your 'senior ref' is a moron and is making it harder for the rest of us. "Frustration"??? What a load of crap. Punching somebody is frustration as well. Attitudes like this are WHY football has the most abusive culture compared to any other sport. Players need to be held accountable for their actions - and that player completely crossed the line.

Heh, i once sent off a player. Defender, around the penalty spot, screamed at my AR "YOU F******G CHEATING C**T!!!"
Out comes the red
Over comes the captain: "No no no no no no no ref, he called him a f*****g cheeky c**t"
Brief pause while I process the sheer stupidity of this
"So.....you agree he swore at my AR then? I'll make sure to note that in my report"
I did too! :cool:
I've done same, he missed most of that game and his semi final too..... Boo Hooo