Your Fee


RefChat Addict
As im only a fairly new referee was just wondering what you charge as a fee, obviously league games prices set by the leagues but any pre season matches what do you generally charge.

Im thinking of following guideline


11 a side youth/junior £30
9v9 £25
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A&H International
Advice I got from the society was not to charge higher than the league fee, but that there's no agreed fee to charge, so it's a free for all. :eek:
I will always go off the league fee structure for the forthcoming season. That way there is no surprises as clubs will have been informed of what to expect and rarely will a club expect you to referee a game below the league 'going rate'.

In all seriousness, just align with what their leagues normally pay.

Tbh most clubs will advertise what they are willing to pay and you accept it or don't. Cant think of one where I have been asked the fee, its usually pre stated, but if I was I would just charge same as a league match. All in no expenses.
For youth £25 11 a side £20 9 a side in my home town £30 surrounding villages between 31 to 38 depending on mileage. All in line with league fees. I would never overcharge for a friendly. I did a senior division game in my county at short notice where the fee was £45, the club secretary insisted I took £50 afterwards as I did it at short notice and had done the previous night reserves and had only asked for £30 rather than £35. If you are fair with the clubs I feel you will be treated fairly back.