When Saturday Comes? Are you refereeing or in the terraces

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This Saturday I'm at QPR :confused::eek::bite::bite::bite:, I was also there last Tuesday. Throw in AR assignments last Saturday, Sunday, yesterday and Weds evenings and its my 6th 'live game' in 8 days.

No prizes for guessing which games were the most enjoyable!:p
QPR are in massive trouble with that moron employed. No emoticon exists to reflect your plight
A&H International
No game this weekend as I have to work. I did enjoy a great supply league line on Wednesday night. Under floodlights, in the rain, end to end game and got to work with @alexgr
No game this weekend as the season hasn't started yet. :p

I am getting bored waiting and training though. :confused:
3 o’clock KO on the line today. Game is an important one for my ref as it’s a kind of promotion trial.

3 o’clock santa time though. So, home for the Prem kick offs on telly, at which point I have one footy channel provider with 3 games on sat, all on sun etc. if that makes you feel better back in blighty!
North west counties line for me.... gunna be a wet one. Might even get called off :bite:
Saturday a friendly in a village somewhere
Sunday womens fa cup middle
Monday I am hoping someone else is driving hugo to old Trafford to at least give us a chance of winning for the first time in 5 years at that ground
Taking my Grandsons to football training at some formerly massive training complex.A9BDDD51-C46D-43A4-ABD0-F4F7DE52F4C9.jpeg
The mascots were really pleased to see a Blade...
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Ironing, replacing a pir floodlight, mending the tv signal booster, walking the dogs, then after lunch...........
Apple and berry picking from the in-laws cottage with the little one then 7.5k run in the forrest and back go civilisation in time for prem kick offs.
Well that was a relief - needed a 'dodgy' decision for the goal though!;)

Just picked up another line this afternoon - so that will 7 games in 9 days (5 as an official) - will get a bit damp for this one as now pouring down and not stopping until much later here.
Much better last night, even without assistants. Subs on both sides were asked by managers but one team outright refused, and oppostion's nominee decided to step down at this.

Reined in my tendency to overplay advantage and gobsmacked at the difference it made. Massively positive as it cut down on the complaints; not full blown dissent, but claims I've missed something, or "been giving nothing all game." Think I played it twice in the whole game, one leading directly to a goal which is a plus.

Positioning better than before, although caught out once in the first half where I was just too far away to award a penalty. My initial thought was the tackle was clean, but the obvious injury to the player after gave me second thoughts. Still need to work on that but its only my second middle since being cleared by the osteopath so it will come.

Strange game in terms of the scoreline however. 0-0 at half time, 9-0 at full time. Home side dominant in the first 45 but couldn't get out of their half in the second.

Never given 3 penalties to the same side in a game before either! All nailed on trips.
A lesson there to the younger refs that self reflection and self criticism can be used as a positive instead of getting all uptight and defensive and wanting constant praise and smoke blown up your r’s... Keep it up Teasmaid... 👍
I have my first game of the season tomorrow. A cup game! So early kick off and I'm revising on the kicks from penalty marks and extra time procedures. It's top division vs bottom division team though, but I've seen the bottom division team before and they're not exactly a poor team so I'm not expecting a mismatch but I don't think it'll be too even either.

Just hoping for a good solid performance on my end as I've not had any pre-season matches. :( Fingers crossed.
I'll be back on the prowl this weekend. Sunday League game, which is a one off for moi
Premier League games involving last season's title holders, so standard might be OK. Wee bit apprehensive following 3 month close season. That said, i get a tad nervous for most games :bite:
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