Classic things you hear whilst refereeing...


The avuncular one
Okay, after game today (abandoned due to increasingly inclement weather) the man responsible for sorting fee out came out with a chestnut.

"There's only one good referee in this league, "so and so". (That's not his real name by the way. )

Not sure what I have done to incur this comment but the ref named is a very good and well respected local ref. But surely not the ONLY good ref? I wait to hear what he has done to deserve such praise?

"He never accepts a match fee unlike the rest of you!"

:D polite smile, accept fee. Crazy and extended drive home due to the weather.
A&H International
Today I was on the line.
Tried my luck with a bit of banter with a player - not sure it went down as planned.

2nd half corner by me.

Taker shouts NORMAL - as he kicks it's it comes onto the FOP for a split second then into the side netting.

he just stares at me.

I had the joy of sitting in the stand at Evesham Utd today and the away team Shortwood scored a good worked goal to which one home team support was shout for f*** sake ref he was a mile off side your having a mare....

It wouldn't be so bad but the home team had 2 defenders plus the goal keeper stood on the goal line, I'm not sure what game this bloke was watching but it couldn't of been the one I was.
Quick break by reds. I'm in the line catching up. Player A is passed all orange defenders and gets past the GK passes FORWARD to player B who is PAST all defenders and GK. I'm about 4/5 yard behind play I admit. all defenders scream OFF SIDE. I stick my flag up, ref blows off side. The striker even had the cheek say I was not in line, I reply "YOUR RIGHT I WASNT, BUT SO OBVIOUS EVERYONE COULD SEE THAT"

The stupid thing is if player A had scored then it would have been a perfectly good goal and it was an open net so all he had to do was tap it!!!
Had one today which made me think about the intelligence of the players. (Under 13s)

Blues clear the ball straight to yellow attacker, who takes it past one of the blue midfielders, who then trips him (plenty of defenders covering)
Would have merited a yellow card in an older age group, but had a quiet word and told him that if he did it again he'd be cautioned.
Yellow player turns round and says to me 'that's got to be at least a red ref'. Don't know what he wanted me to in terms of going further than a red card, knock him out or something?
Gave a throw in for reds after hearing contact by white. White player objects and red player says "I dont think he touched it ref." Sounded to me like he did so the red throw stood. Red players then put on a little break and score. Cue white player turning to he and saying "That's your fault he scored ref." I said, "Assuming I got the throw in wrong, he's run best part of ninety metres, passed five of your players, crossed it to an unmarked man who has then scored. Tell me again that it's my fault." Rather more quietly he said, " Yeah, well it was our throw."
Welsh league cup AR assignment. Home team supporters behind me.

Ball close to my touch line, 10 yards up the line from me, but just kept in play by away team. Cue abuse from behind me, all the usual stuff about being blind, inbred etc. An older voice (home team accent) shuts them all up with "shut up you tw@ts, all the ball has got to be out!"

Big smile appears on my face as I manage to hold in a laugh.
One of my first ever games. U14 match. Had a rather 'vocal' parent who screamed every time her son got the ball. Anywho, tackle made against her son, nothing heavy, he just turned on his ankle then tried to walk it off. Play continues as, as far I can see, nothing wrong, player is still on his feet. About 30 seconds later I hear this woman, screaming like a banshee! "Ref! You're not doing your job properly! My son is injured and you've not stopped the game. Your only task is to see if any players are injured, and that's it!" I nearly burst into laughter as did everyone else at the game. One bloke even said "that 8 week refereeing course he did must have been an absolute doddle then"
we have a slightly different set of issues over here, where everyone has been brought up on the egg-chasing game.

I've lost count of the times a parent has given me verbals over a throw-in because 'his foot was over the line ref!'

One coach at an u17s screaming for a free-kick, I was unsighted for the incident and the players carried on, so I did as well: "What game are you watching ref?" he shouts
"I'm trying to imagine Real vs Barca, but it's just not happening for me today coach"
Corner to the Red team, as the ball comes in the Red att screams 'Boo'. Game stopped for off putting an opponent and when asked to explain his actions the Red att said he was trying to scare the birds from the tress......classic!
I get that in my day job. "Oi. You f##king pig. I hope your f##king wife/mum/children etc die of f##king cancer/aids/serious road accident. When I see you off duty I'm gonna kill you/beat you/rape you."
"Shut the f##k up!"
"I'm gonna complain about you. You can't swear at me."
Worse bit is though that they do complain and the job invariably upholds the complaint that I have been incivil. I should be more professional.
Rant over.
Funny one yesterday. After asking a player to retreat the full 10 yards (twice) I then said don’t let me get my cards out.
To which all in the stands wolf-whistled and gave me a big whhhhooooooo don’t let him get his cards out….. I did laugh as I probably sounded a bit stroppy :)

Just wondering if people have any good responses to supporters what give us refs flack.
I was doing an U11s game yesterday and a player was running in on goal with a defender right on his back when eventually, just outside the box he was tripped. I awarded the free kick, from which an outstanding goal was scored. Just after we kicked off again, the manager of the defending team shouted at me "They're U11s - use a bit of common sense!"

I thought to myself, just because they're U11s, it doesn't mean that there are no fouls! Anyhow, I did use my common sense - had he been older I would have cautioned him.
Had a rather vocal coach on Saturday who thought he'd tell me, or rather make up, rules as I passed him. After pulling back an advantage for a previous foul I got 'YOU CAN ONLY LET IT GO FOR THREE SECONDS!' Had the dressing rooms been closer to the pitch I would have been tempted to fetch my copy of the LoTG and give him the rest of the second half to find this particular section.
Red player took best part of ten yards for a throw in (despite my warning about gaining the ground) so I awarded a foul throw to blue. Blue player then took the throw from about ten yards further back into their own half. Cue an award of a foul throw back to red. Blue player says "But it doesn't matter if you are going back into your own half, just if you are going forward!"
Red player took best part of ten yards for a throw in (despite my warning about gaining the ground) so I awarded a foul throw to blue. Blue player then took the throw from about ten yards further back into their own half. Cue an award of a foul throw back to red. Blue player says "But it doesn't matter if you are going back into your own half, just if you are going forward!"
Presumably you then told him that only an imbecile would take it ten yards further back than where it should have been?!
I heard that very thing this weekend. Ref it doesn't matter if you take the ball backwards? Guess what, your wrong, take it from the spot it went out.