youth matches players goading each other

happy whistler

Active Member
Level 7 Referee
This seems to becoming more prevalent with players trying to wind up opposition. Examples are poking fun at appearance, how they talk, making comments about mistakes made or what the score is.
I have been intervening and threatened cards which I suppose I could yellow for unsporting behaviour - other.
Has anyone carded for this or am I better to ignore ?
A&H International
Happens all the time between 14s and 18s mainly.

I generally just say to whoever is involved have we come to play football or act like 8 year olds, as long as nothing major which it hasn't been for me then no cards issued.
Player management is the thing for me in this situation
You can either nip it in the butt earlier or you can allow it to escalate to the point where you have no option but to issue the YC for USB
It really depends on how the comment is taken. It should be the same in OA. If taken as banter, give back as good, laughed off and move on then no point getting involved. If it escalates or the actual game becomes secondary to it then take action.

I don't do O45s games that often but half the reason they are there (especially teams that know each other well) is the banter. They know their limits and have a beer with each other after the game.

Youth on the other hand can escalate very quickly so be on your toes and grow eyes and ears in the back of your head. Stepped approach (like dissent) is very effective.
It's difficult to referee this type of nonsense. My inclination is to start with a quiet word but it can escalate and it can be difficult to see/hear anything specific where you feel confident issuing sanctions. I had a full 90 minutes of this in a 19s game last weekend - really frustrating as it was probably the biggest game either team had played and players more focussed on petty wind ups rather than playing football.
In the games I’ve done, just throw a threat of a red for insulting behaviour at them. Tends to shut them up
I tend to use the phrase "you are drawing attention to yourself, please stop", nicely
I far rather they were doing verbals than kicking lumps out of each other