2 interesting DHB VAR decisions


RefChat Addict
One, the ref overturns his own penalty to a DB. Correct decision for me

2nd, DHB around the line - VAR check to see if it's in the box. Inconclusive, sticks to the original FK

It's a shame that this blog only shows the incident very briefly - you get a better look if you're watching the game on TV.

The 2nd one ...yeah, I can see doubt on the location The first...good decision.
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A&H International
Good decisions. Good process. Poor explaination.
"The VAR gets involved because the contact between the player and the ball clearly and obviously occurs inside the penalty area"
In/out is factual and does not have to be clear and obvious. Otherwise VAR could have not got involved in the second one.
My God. Why in the world do we need VRO on the first one! PLAY ON. That was so far from a deliberate handball. Like, WOW. Let me look at the second clip
Double my GOD. The referee was in position, was spot on the call. Play ON! I don't watch a lot of soccer so I have a biased opinion somewhat but the referee in both of these occasions was spot on.
The article text with the clip is not correct. The referee in the first one awards a dfk to attackers, the text reads like he gave a pk
So its a mess, its not handball and the ref was giving a fk, not a pk

Second one is inside the box, first view. Bang on the line which makes it in
The restart drop ball is a bit farcical too
So, ball strikes defender from close range, at speed and rebounds some 20 yards upfield
Ref gives fk/pk, whatever, to attackers
Var jumps in, says no, no offence, so instead restarting towards half way line where defender had legitimatly fired the ball to, the defenders, despite having now being proven to have committed no offence, have a drop ball at the edge of their own pen area to contest/clear?

Heavy weighted in favour of attackers here despite defender doing no wrong!
The restart drop ball is a bit farcical too
So, ball strikes defender from close range, at speed and rebounds some 20 yards upfield
Ref gives fk/pk, whatever, to attackers
Var jumps in, says no, no offence, so instead restarting towards half way line where defender had legitimatly fired the ball to, the defenders, despite having now being proven to have committed no offence, have a drop ball at the edge of their own pen area to contest/clear?

Heavy weighted in favour of attackers here despite defender doing no wrong!
I don't know what actually happened as the clip doesn't show it but I would imagine that in this situation the attacking team would just kick it back to the defending team's goalkeeper.
My God. Why in the world do we need VRO on the first one! PLAY ON. That was so far from a deliberate handball. Like, WOW. Let me look at the second clip
As the article says, he thought it hit the other hand.

The restart drop ball is a bit farcical too
So, ball strikes defender from close range, at speed and rebounds some 20 yards upfield
Ref gives fk/pk, whatever, to attackers
Var jumps in, says no, no offence, so instead restarting towards half way line where defender had legitimatly fired the ball to, the defenders, despite having now being proven to have committed no offence, have a drop ball at the edge of their own pen area to contest/clear?

Heavy weighted in favour of attackers here despite defender doing no wrong!
I'm not sure where the DB occurred.
Double my GOD. The referee was in position, was spot on the call. Play ON! I don't watch a lot of soccer so I have a biased opinion somewhat but the referee in both of these occasions was spot on.
The 2nd one is definitely a foul
I don't know what actually happened as the clip doesn't show it but I would imagine that in this situation the attacking team would just kick it back to the defending team's goalkeeper.
Drop ball sometimes feels very old fashioned to me, especially now that we're not allowed to instruct the outcome. I wonder if the lawmakers have ever considered introducing a "play from a specific GK's hands" restart for situations like this where the drop ball could be unnecessarily controversial.
Yes, who on earth wants to restart with a drop ball from where the alleged offence took place, esp if its going to be an attacking possibilty. Its' easy looking for sporting play but we all know at 0-0 or 1-0 down with minutes to go, if someone gets a chance to take advantage of a situation, they will.
And who will ultimately get the grief for it.......us in the black.
Second one is inside the box, first view. Bang on the line which makes it in

That was my take as well... The ball is dropping onto the line, so it kind of follows that the player is behind the line, so the handling is happening inside the box. I'd be happy to give a penalty for that on review. :confused:
That was my take as well... The ball is dropping onto the line, so it kind of follows that the player is behind the line, so the handling is happening inside the box. I'd be happy to give a penalty for that on review. :confused:

of course easy to say sitting here in front of pc but I watched it without knowing the tale and went, pk
course its inconclusive but from what i see, the defender is, just, on the line, thus the ball when it makes contact with him must be too
one thing is certain, the defender is not outside the pen area !!!
That was my take as well... The ball is dropping onto the line, so it kind of follows that the player is behind the line, so the handling is happening inside the box. I'd be happy to give a penalty for that on review. :confused:

Can you definitively say that though? We are going based off logic here - that doesn't necessarily follow though
I think it's very likely that it's in the box, but the side - on angle makes it look like the arm is roughly on the line before the view gets blocked. So, that being given its not a stretch to say it might have been outside. I think it was good VAR use. Good approach on calling the captains in to explain the unusual case too.