Other Interests

Richard smith

Well-Known Member
What other interests do members have

I Referee Rugby and Motorsport marshal away from refereeing football

My summer participation sport is cricket
A&H International
Gigs. Been attending them for almost 39 years and already have some booked for next year. Also cinema, espec science fiction
Gigs. Been attending them for almost 39 years and already have some booked for next year. Also cinema, espec science fiction
Did you see Bon Jovi live??? I remember seeing them in the Summer of 2003 As part of the "Have a nice day" Stadium tour at Hampden Park in Glasgow
I play cricket in the summer, and the occasional round of golf. If I'm not playing or watching sport you'll find me out and about with the dog.
Care to explain??????
The study of ancient structures and lost technology that we either don’t possess or can’t mimic without CNC.
One example being the pyramids were never morsoleums and are probably 8000 years older than the Pharos. Many, many other examples too all over the world,,,
According to the popular cultural magazine; Viz, the Visitor Centre at Stone Henge has grown so popular, it's a tourist attraction in its own right and now has it's own Visitor Centre. Monolithics must be really catching on!
I drove past that yesterday on my way to Bovington! That’s actually a bit fake!
I'm a workaholic because my job involves thinking. All i do is think! Mostly trying to understand the nature of 'stuff'. I don't tend to do things by half 🤔