Controversial goal - injured keeper


RefChat Addict

Australian W-League - top tier women's league. Canberra in green, Western Sydney Wanderers in black/red
This is causing a bit of a stir. Personally, I think it's fine. There's no reason to stop play immediately because a keeper is down with a non-serious injury. Convention encourages referees to stop play quicker than for an outfield player - but unless the attack is over ('different phase'), I don't see any reason to. Here, the keeper went down as an attacker retrieved the loose ball. I think it would be unfair to then take away that attack, so it's a good goal for me - and people are criticising the attacker for taking advantage of the situation. I say, good on her!

What people aren't talking about is the defence - 4 defenders, none thought to play the whistle and cover the goal. U/14 players know better than that!!
A&H International
I agree. This is correct in law as it is not serious or a head injury. I did a friendly in the summer where in a one on one the striker struck the ball so hard at the GK it hit his chest and rebounded off him back to the attacker it the attacker dinked it over the keeper and jumped over the keeper and scored. There was a slightest bit of contact as the player leapt over the GK who then claimed he had both hands on the ball, then pretended to be hurt then the pain went to his head as he realised I had given the goal. Cue defending team coach saying I was a disgrace ra ra ra. The CAR for the defending team was actually a qualified ref and after the game agreed with my decision to let the goal stand. He said nobody would have batted an eye lid if I had blown for the contact but he also thought it was not a foul, the ball hit the keeper hard so he spilt it so no foul there and the pretense of injury to the head in his words was cheating. He called it brave refereeing. His manager was not as complimentary. I think i was being reported to my FA for that decision and he was a ref and ?I didn't know the rules. If a player had gone round the GK and bearing down on goal with a covering defender who then pulls up would you stop the game then? No you wouldn't.
This is not as clear cut as it looks. First for me and in my game I want a goal here
We had a famous incident about 20 years ago from which followed directives, certainly here, as to best practise.
Your team consists of x players, one of which must be the goalkeeper. What we need to consider, at the point of her being grounded/injured is, do the team have a gk here? Clearly they do have a gk but are you comfortable they actually do have a gk when she is wide, 35 yards from goal and on the ground injured?

Note as I said in my first sentence, I would like a goal here but, do they really have a gk and if you are saying yes, yes they do but she is injured, I ask again, do they have, at the point the opponent gets the ball, nearly at the half way line, a gk?
Poor refereeing.

Should have been on the whistle as soon as it was obvious the keeper was unable to move......more than enough time to prevent creating yourself a very awkward situation.

i would say that both ‘spirit of the game’ & ‘what would football want/expect’ apply here.

Technically nothing to disallow the goal for once it’s scored, but very poor officiating to let it get that far.
If the gk is in poor position from their own doing, fine, or up for a corner and cant get back, fine, or even if that trivial injury happens in the six yard box and the ball is instantly knocked into the net, fine

But really, the team do not have a gk in this clip. And, the lotg require one

Good summary above, you can allow it but, I dont think you could be hung for stopping the game soon as the eventual scorer gets that ball close to the half way line.

I hope nobody would be comfortable letting the winning goal in the cup final be scored like this, it would not sit right with me as fair, and as referee, we are meant to rule supreme on fairness.
Poor refereeing for me. If the clearance had gone straight to an opponent who could knock it straight in then yes let it go, but no one would be complaining if the whistle was hit as the ball travelled out towards the touchline.

The referee's position is also terrible, look at the lack of urgency she shows as the ball is breaking towards the penalty area, she's still in the other half and jogging when she should be busting a gut to catch up. She also appears to signal a throw-in even though the ball didn't go out.
I wonder if you have a case to give a defensive FK? The GK clearly gets there first, clears the ball and I can't tell if she is then caught or if the injury occurs due to an awkward landing? You've also got more than enough time to stop it for an injury when the ball's in fairly neutral territory by the touchline which I think you should be doing given it's a GK (yes, I wouldn't stop it for a similar injury to a defender in the same position).

Either way, safe refereeing says you stop it here, and I don't think you'd get much argument as long as you did so when the ball is by the touchline. As @RustyRef points out, it looks like the ref is unaware of the injury, as even though she signals for the throw-in, there's no suggestion that she was planning to hold play up at that point to assess the injury?
I don't get all this stuff and stopping play for any petty or perceived minor injury, the law is quite clear in this area.....It's miles worse in a kid game when they stay down at the slightest contact!!!

This invaluable advice comes from a dad who's eldest daughter slipped and had a minor limp, I rubbed it and said she'd be fine.... My wife ended up taking her to A&E and a broken bone in her ankle was the diagnosis!!! Who knew!!!! :devil:
I don't get all this stuff and stopping play for any petty or perceived minor injury, the law is quite clear in this area.....It's miles worse in a kid game when they stay down at the slightest contact!!!

This invaluable advice comes from a dad who's eldest daughter slipped and had a minor limp, I rubbed it and said she'd be fine.... My wife ended up taking her to A&E and a broken bone in her ankle was the diagnosis!!! Who knew!!!! :devil:

You think the team are classes as having a gk, when the gk is lying decapitated on the half way line?
But how will you know unless you stop the game to check?
And head rolling off, not a problem where I am, easy stitched back on

We get those calls all over the pitch, its when the ref runs around like a headless chicken that I worry!!!
Think the ref in the OP has just got herself in a mess. By signaling throw in it tells me she thought it was all not a big deal and she was going to get to the injured player. Really poor but I can imagine the thinking...turns out a disaster for her though. But agree with others the attacking team should also be ashamed.
Always been unsure what to do in this situation, just hope it doesn't go in has been my tactic...