
Shirt out!

PS Got pilloried for asking a head tournament official (ex prem) if caps were acceptable in 35 degrees. Tore me to shreds. Lovely guy. Then awarded me a cap at the end of the week to complete my ridicule.

What were the reasons as to why they couldn't? 35 degree heat the advice from health authorities is to completely avoid the sun between 11-3, never mind not wear a cap.
A&H International
For clarity, I have in no way had a pop at assessors. I disagree with the aforementioned assessment report received by a member on here where the wearing if gloves was out down as a negative and I disagree with with such views on gloves, hats etc. I'm firmly of the believe that the heath and safety of an official is more important than the notion that wearing gloves is wrong.

However, in no way have I had a pop, I just disagree and a forum such as this is for sharing opinions on such matters. I don't have a pop at assessors or referees of any level on here, everyone is doing there best at what are difficult jobs/hobbies and nobody is more mindful of that than myself.
57 posts before I commented on this thread. It's not all about you.
To answer the question on why goalkeepers can wear hats but outfield players and referees can't, it is in law. Other equipment is listed in law, this includes goalkeepers' caps and head coverings, the latter of which was brought in for religious reasons. It says though "be in keeping with the professional appearance of the player’s equipment" so that would rule out woolly hats. Have you ever seen a player at any kind of senior level wearing a woolly hat?

Any observer telling an assistant referee not to wear gloves needs retraining as that is nonsense. I've read hundreds of reports over the years and I've never seen any observer commenting on gloves. I have however seen comments on both players and match officials wearing woolly hats.
Very cold in suffolk today but if the players can not wear hats nor should we. It was that cold my eyeballs hurt. Thats a new one on me
If you feel need to wear gloves, esp on line, do it. You need to be warm enough to carry out your duties.
Hat I would wear/have no problem with in extreme conditions,( as match officials) bear in mind plenty 4ths wear hats.
I once changed into leggings at half time on the line at a senior game. The ref said "you cant wear those", I said, "then I cant go back out there". (if it matters we were all in black anyway). . You need to be as comfortable as you can be to carry out your duties

I would suggest also if conditions are really that cold that its unbearable bar wearing every item of clothing you and the players own, then you are edging towards a postponement, deeming a park unsafe does not just mean is there a puddle you know!!
If say the kids are turning blue and clearly don't want to play because its so cold, then, don't play!! Common sense!!
Very cold in suffolk today but if the players can not wear hats nor should we. It was that cold my eyeballs hurt. Thats a new one on me
No handshakes at end of today's game. Normally I'd be concerned by that but today it was because all concerned were running for the warmth of the changing rooms!!
To answer the question on why goalkeepers can wear hats but outfield players and referees can't, it is in law. Other equipment is listed in law, this includes goalkeepers' caps and head coverings, the latter of which was brought in for religious reasons. It says though "be in keeping with the professional appearance of the player’s equipment" so that would rule out woolly hats. Have you ever seen a player at any kind of senior level wearing a woolly hat?

Any observer telling an assistant referee not to wear gloves needs retraining as that is nonsense. I've read hundreds of reports over the years and I've never seen any observer commenting on gloves. I have however seen comments on both players and match officials wearing woolly hats.

It is NOT in law that outfield players can't wear wear hats. Similarly it is not in law that that outfield player can't wear gloved. Yet you are sighting law to say hats are out, but accepting gloves.

The only reason I would not allow a player wear a cap is safety reason in accordance with law and that reason would not apply to an assistant or a referee.
It is NOT in law that outfield players can't wear wear hats. Similarly it is not in law that that outfield player can't wear gloved. Yet you are sighting law to say hats are out, but accepting gloves.

The only reason I would not allow a player wear a cap is safety reason in accordance with law and that reason would not apply to an assistant or a referee.

Ok seeing as you started it, why can a gk wear a baseball hat and not the right back? What is the difference in the safety reason?
@PinnerPaul I was at cb Hounslow with Mr Swinbourne Saturday who wore a base layer, and gloves.. He came off the pitch as red as the card in our pockets due to how cold and wet it was. He was junior assistant in the game and didn't have much to do.
I was senior and had a fair bit more to do and forgot my thermals etc. Literally had my short sleeved shirt and that's it. Soaked through and frozen.
Guy in middle was not caring what we went out in as long as we were warm.

Today I had my long sleeve to go under my short sleeved and felt a bit better but seriously thinking about gloves now.

Our game at cb was abandoned at half time due to the pitch getting worse and the rain being relentless. Best decision all round.
I would suggest also if conditions are really that cold that its unbearable bar wearing every item of clothing you and the players own, then you are edging towards a postponement, deeming a park unsafe does not just mean is there a puddle you know!!
If say the kids are turning blue and clearly don't want to play because its so cold, then, don't play!! Common sense!!
Ok seeing as you started it, why can a gk wear a baseball hat and not the right back? What is the difference in the safety reason?
It's practical safety. And that's the way I see it in law as well. Goal keepers don't header a ball. They punch it. If I have a goalkeeper who is wearing a baseball cap going to the other end for a last minute corner, I'd ask him to take the cap off but I have no doubt he would have done it before asking.
It's practical safety. And that's the way I see it in law as well. Goal keepers don't header a ball. They punch it. If I have a goalkeeper who is wearing a baseball cap going to the other end for a last minute corner, I'd ask him to take the cap off but I have no doubt he would have done it before asking.

Am not buying that. Gk with hat rising to claim a corner in a crowded box. If its a safety issue for the right back, its a safety issue for the gk
And nowhere can you basically tell the gk he can wear a baseball hat but only in hi own area, which is a simplier version of what you are saying. The lotg do not back you up on that, you do not get to determine where on the pitch something is ok then all of a sudden not ok. His cap is either a safety issue, or its not, impossible for it to be both
@PinnerPaul I was at cb Hounslow with Mr Swinbourne Saturday who wore a base layer, and gloves.. He came off the pitch as red as the card in our pockets due to how cold and wet it was. He was junior assistant in the game and didn't have much to do.
I was senior and had a fair bit more to do and forgot my thermals etc. Literally had my short sleeved shirt and that's it. Soaked through and frozen.
Guy in middle was not caring what we went out in as long as we were warm.

Today I had my long sleeve to go under my short sleeved and felt a bit better but seriously thinking about gloves now.

Our game at cb was abandoned at half time due to the pitch getting worse and the rain being relentless. Best decision all round.

You deserve a medal for Saturday - I was at QPR and the 3 officials all wore short sleeves!