Ups and Downs in Football

Black and White through and through. I went to school in South Shields in the 70s so most of the kids there were Mackems but I always felt more of an affiliation with Toon - even during the bad old days in the (then) Second Division with players like Alan Shoulder, Terry Hibbit and Peter Withe.
Once the 80's came along with the likes of Keegan, Beardsley (briefly) Waddle, Wharton etc then things began to improve but having joined the Army in 1984, I rarely got to matches.
Gutted when Ashley bought the club cos I knew what he'd do - and I was right. Disappointment has become a way of life for NUFC fans but I still live in the hope that Toon will eventually lift some worthwhile silverware one day during my lifetime.

Outside of NUFC, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the Gunners, but that's another story .... :)
With so much dependant on who owns a club, I don't hold much optimism. We had our chance during the relatively opulent era two and a half decades ago
A&H International
With so much dependant on who owns a club, I don't hold much optimism. We had our chance during the relatively opulent era two and a half decades ago


I can't believe we'd be unlucky enough to get another Ashley though. Even some middle-of-the-road investment in 3 or 4 more Premier League quality players would be a step forward from the current situation where we have a Championship standard team spending each season clawing at their Premier League status, surviving only because there luckily happens to be 3 other teams crapper than us there at the time. If Kenyon doesn't get the club, Rafa will be gone in the summer. It'll all be downhill from there.

If they'd only put a limit on the number of foreign players a team could field years ago, just like they used to in the European Cup, our domestic football wouldn't be in the monopolised mess that it is now and who knows? - we may even have bred and nurtured a few World Class footballers of our own in the last 10-15 years. As it stands, you're right, any top class club's future depends first and foremost on the spending abilities and willingness of the tycoon who owns it. Deep joy!! :(

I can't believe we'd be unlucky enough to get another Ashley though. Even some middle-of-the-road investment in 3 or 4 more Premier League quality players would be a step forward from the current situation where we have a Championship standard team spending each season clawing at their Premier League status, surviving only because there luckily happens to be 3 other teams crapper than us there at the time. If Kenyon doesn't get the club, Rafa will be gone in the summer. It'll all be downhill from there.

If they'd only put a limit on the number of foreign players a team could field years ago, just like they used to in the European Cup, our domestic football wouldn't be in the monopolised mess that it is now and who knows? - we may even have bred and nurtured a few World Class footballers of our own in the last 10-15 years. As it stands, you're right, any top class club's future depends first and foremost on the spending abilities and willingness of the tycoon who owns it. Deep joy!! :(
Agree entirely
I grew up in Manchester and my Grandad and Dad were big Utd fans, so followed them through my early years, but gradually lost interest in football at around 14/15.

Moved to Gillingham about 4 years ago and sarted going to watch the Gilsl with my now wife, she had been a season ticket holder since she was 10, and it was a good way to spend time together as she is a paramedic and worked some funny shifts.

Caught the bug, and have been a season ticket holder for 3 years and go to every home game and a selection of away games.
Always been a Leeds fan thanks to my Dad. I'm only 18 though, so my earliest footballing memory is getting relegated twice... First game was Ipswich away when I was about 6 and I remember Healy scoring a penalty. 12 years on and I've still never seen Leeds beat Ipswich. About 4 years ago, I even randomly got selected for being mascot for Ipswich vs Leeds for being a junior member (Mike Dean was in the middle). Just before kick off, they took us out the ground to take me to the Leeds fans. I missed our only goal in the 2nd minute and we went on to lose 4-1. Wouldn't change it for the world though
City fan, went to my first game 30 years ago but moved to Sheffield 2 years ago and haven't been since I moved. Been everywhere from Grimsby and Stockport away to Copenhagen and Bayern. Armchair fan these days where I just sit and admire players like Silva and KDB. I'm not fanatical like I used to be.

Played all my life until 2 years ago, took up the whistle 18 months ago. Played a bit of supply league stuff and had a good amateur 'career'. Scored the winner in county cup finals twice and in 2 different counties :)

Ran a junior team from u10-u16s after volunteering to help for a week as the manager had quit and no one else would do it and went from there.

Played cricket for the same club all my life and still do. Keen England fan and keep my eye on Derbyshire, although don't go to the games.

Sporty has been a huge part of my life. It's been what I do at weekends since I was 8.
Which City?

I can't believe we'd be unlucky enough to get another Ashley though. Even some middle-of-the-road investment in 3 or 4 more Premier League quality players would be a step forward from the current situation where we have a Championship standard team spending each season clawing at their Premier League status, surviving only because there luckily happens to be 3 other teams crapper than us there at the time. If Kenyon doesn't get the club, Rafa will be gone in the summer. It'll all be downhill from there.

If they'd only put a limit on the number of foreign players a team could field years ago, just like they used to in the European Cup, our domestic football wouldn't be in the monopolised mess that it is now and who knows? - we may even have bred and nurtured a few World Class footballers of our own in the last 10-15 years. As it stands, you're right, any top class club's future depends first and foremost on the spending abilities and willingness of the tycoon who owns it. Deep joy!! :(
Mackem Derby next season!!! Horses beware!!!
Everton Fan since I was 7/8 (so around 92/93) by far my favorite memory in that time was being in lower gwladys, FA Cup 5th round replay against Liverpool at Goodison and Dan Gosling slotted home the winner in the 118th minute. Pandemonium springs to mind.

Only had the 95 FA cup success in my time, and spent alot of my teens seeing us stay in the premier league by the skin of our teeth. Gareth Farrelly is a name I will probably never forget, scoring in a draw to keep us up on the last day of the season on goal difference. Though it was amazing, I dont miss the stress, it was abit too much for me even as a football mad youngster!

I go and watch Middlesbrough quite often as have a few friends who support them, and its a chance to watch some live football. Plus Boro is 45 minutes away on the train compared to over two hours to Liverpool. 4+ hours on a train in one day feels like a long time!

One of my favourite stadiums to have visited was Sunderlands as an Everton fan, beat them 3-0, but I was just so impressed with it. Walking up to it I didnt think it looked like much as I didnt realise the ground was sunken into the floor. Loved it.
Mackem Derby next season!!! Horses beware!!!

A "Mackem Derby" would be a match between Sunderland and South Shields. Know your geography please Yorkshire. ;)

What I believe you might be referring to is a "North East Derby" between Newcastle United and Sunderland during which the NUFC fans will no doubt engage in a spot of equestrian pugilism whilst the Mackems will make sure they all have new highlights in their hair on the big day. Such is the way of things. :D
A "Mackem Derby" would be a match between Sunderland and South Shields. Know your geography please Yorkshire. ;)

What I believe you might be referring to is a "North East Derby" between Newcastle United and Sunderland during which the NUFC fans will no doubt engage in a spot of equestrian pugilism whilst the Mackems will make sure they all have new highlights in their hair on the big day. Such is the way of things. :D
I do get them confused, most people thing Newcastle is bigger but it most certainly is not!!!!
Watching Nasri got me thinking about footy ups and downs, beyond club allegiance...

At school, my lank made me proud captain of my middle school team. But I changed schools and there was no team footy. I had to play hockey and rugby. I’m still annoyed and making up for lost time. That was 86!

Engerland, saw the Portugal Euro semi Beckham miss shoot out game. Amazing, joy in defeat, only bettered by the vibe in Lisbon that night. Next England game I saw was at the new Wembley with my ailing dad, wheelchair bound. I had to inject him with water at half time as he couldn’t swallow (MND - avoid if you can;)). I don’t remember the game!

Our friends’ sunday league team, out almost perfect promotion season, only 4 conceded, my best friend in the sticks made 3 penalty saves, miracle 10-man win... then a division up next season we went 22 games without winning!
Watching MOTD from every weekend bar 1. That has never happened before.I remember the years I used to miss it loads as my team would regulary lose
Not a big footie fan if I.m honest. Only got involved as my son at the age of 6 wanted to play. After a few weeks the coach suddenly stopped turning up leaving around 30 lads, no equipment to fend for themselves. I just put myself forward along with another dad and ended p coaching 2 teams over 12 years finishing last season at under 18's. I find football boring to watch and can't stand the over paid play acting spoilt brats we see on TV. Saying that, I've enjoyed most junior football matches my lads have played. Rugby League fan at heart and coaching my lads with many of the respect principals of that sport which I believe has benefitted them enormously now that they are men. I now referee junior football and again I enjoy every game and I'm happy to stay away from adult football. I will add that since I started reffing though that if I do watch a match on the box, I watch it differently concentrating on the referee rather than the players.

If I had to have an allegiance to a footie team it would be Liverpool as that's who I supported as a child.