You Are The Ref - 2018 Book version Part 2


RefChat Addict
3 questions on advantage but 1 answer seems at odds with the other 2 (to me at least)

1) You play advantage, but when the player in possession kicks the ball it accidently strikes a team mate and rebounds over own keeper into the net - Verdict No goal, take the play back to the original foul

2) A forward is flattened by an oppo defender, its an obvious pen, but seeing the ball bounce to an unmarked team mate you play advantage. Team mate nods the chance wide - verdict goal kick

3) A keeper handles the ball outside the box but you play advantage, allowing a nearby striker to knock the ball into an empty net. But as his shot rolls goalwards a teammate in an offside position nips in and applies the finishing touch. What do you do? Verdict - Original free kick to the attackers

I don't understand why the players in 1 and 3 'get another go' as it were, but the player in 2 doesn't?

What have I missed?

A&H International
I think that in scenarios 1 and 2 were accidental/unintended.

But scenario 2 the player went for goal but headed it wide, the advantage accrued (he had a shot)
I think that in scenarios 1 and 2 were accidental/unintended.

But scenario 2 the player went for goal but headed it wide, the advantage accrued (he had a shot)

But in option 1 defender has an unhindered kick and in option 3 the striker gets to 'roll the ball towards an empty net' for me both those players have 'used' the advantage - not ref's concern that two idiot teammates then 'got in the way' is it?
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What have I missed?

I don't know... This is what I think though;

Should 1 be getting another go? He's played advantage, assuming he's under no pressure and he's managed to score an own goal from that, surely that's his own fault? I can see taking it back for game management, but in my view, maybe this is a case of the advantage being applied inappropriately in the first place!

2 needs more context for me, I wouldn't be playing that advantage unless it was an open net, but he's taken the advantage and ruined it so, tough luck.

3 I think is wrong, the advantage has been played correctly, it has been taken advantage of... a teammate has then proceeded to screw it up. Tough luck, blame the dude in the offside position who couldn't resist stealing his team-mate's goal.
If you play advantage and the player has time to pick out a pass, but he plays it to an offside teammate, what would you do?
If you play advantage and the player has time to pick out a pass, but he plays it to an offside teammate, what would you do?

Depends. The core question on playing advantage is whether the team had an opportunity that was better than the FK. If the opportunity wasn't actually better than the FK, go back to the FK. If it was and the team wasted it, too bad.

Was the pass to that player what you thought the advantage was going to be, but turns out that player was OS? Give the kick, as there wasn't the opportunity.

Did the player with the ball have an unimpeded run at the goal and made a poor choice to pass to the OSP teammate instead? Oh well, he wasted the advantage.

And there is every flavor in between.

(On Hackett #1, the question that leaps to mind is why the $%$% was the R playing advantage with the ball in the own team's PA??? Sometimes stupid scenarios help sort out how to think about the law, and sometimes they are just stupid scenarios. On #2, far from clear to me that Hackett is right as there is not enough information given--was the opportunity for the teammate better than a PK? If not, give the PK.* And I completely disagree with Hackett on #3: the ball rolling into the goal was certainly better than the FK outside the PA--IMO the OS teammate wasted the team's opportunity and no way am I going back for the FK. )

*I know in the US much of the teaching has been that the only advantage that would supplant a PK is a goal. I was under the impression that flowed from FIFA, but don't recall seeing it in any public FIFA or IFAB material.
If you play advantage and the player has time to pick out a pass, but he plays it to an offside teammate, what would you do?

Back to the fk for me. I had this in a game supervised by one of our FIFA observers and fk was his call also.
Of course there will be debate about its their fault for wasting the advantage and no doubt a lot of folk will not come back to the foul.
I am in my games though.
If you come back for (3 then you are saying the advantage hasn’t accrued so it would probably be a red card for DOGSO. Certainly not what anybody would expect

Advantage had clearly accrued for me though!

Hackett doesn’t even have a basic grasp of the offside law so his answers are really for entertainment purposes only.
Case 1: In this case, supposedly the player had an opportunity to play the advantage and it just turned out poorly. The advantage was played so I'd call a goal. That being said, it sounds like advantage is applied deep in the defensive half of the field and I would tend to question making advantage calls in this part of the field. My verdict, would have preferred to not call advantage, but having done so, would rule goal.

Case 2: This is like case 1 for me, the advantage was played, just turned out poorly. There is no guarantee that calling advantage should result in a goal. My verdict, goal kick.

Case 3: Like the first two, the advantage was played. Subsequent to that being played, player in offsides position interfered with play, I'd rule offsides here.
I cant picture the 3 examples clearly, but, from what I make of them,

1> does not sound like advantage was a sensible option in the first place so I cant picture the incident to judge clearly.
2> as a big believer on not playing advantage unless the ball is (literally) on the line, its a pen kick for me, a header, with goalkeeper still to beat? Pen for me all day long.
3> different to say, a shirt pull in middle park, player breaks free, advantage, pass, offside...this for me gets pulled back to the free kick. An offside player who is offside taking no part in the play then gets involved and kicks the ball into the net as its rolling in, is entirely responsible for his actions and his position on the field, so am giving offside here.
1. That is Hackett's way of saying you have funked up so badly by playing advanatage too early before knowing if there actually is an advantage. So don't punish the defending team for your mistake.

2. Yep. All good. There was advantage. You applied it. Attacker's stuffed up.

3. Hackett is just wrong. Not the first time. There was advantage. You applied it. Attacker's stuffed up. Although waiting a little longer would have been good