Work floodlit league


RefChat Addict
What it says on the tin, a few lads wanting a competitive game, burn some calories.

I got asked to do two one hour games last night and was local so i did.

First game one team had half a kit navy tops, the 4-5 had a mixture of grey, navy and black tops, ok i can sort of get along with this.

Other team turn up with no kit, most of them in yes you've guessed it grey, black and navy tops.

To make it worse they both had only had 11/12 so nobody offering to do the line and one side of the pitch the floodlights were not great and was quite dark.

Was an absolute nightmare from start to finish, lesson learnt.
A&H International
I would see the game as a good practise. No linos? Ideal chance to adopt wide positioning in a game of lesser importance
Mix match of strips? Great for your managment of things, bantering with players about how to tell them apart etc
Poor lights? Well am thinking the lights were the same for everybody,whether its you chasing a through ball, or defender playing a 60 yard pass (or punt!) upfield
Gives you a great comeback when they tell you a throw was wrong, "guys gimme a break, its dark for you, am not a cat, its dark for me too)

Turn the negatives into positives, plus you prob got 40 quid when you would have been sitting in watching Vera or something

On the very rare occasion I do a game like that, I simply lower myself to (just) above the players level and get on with it.

It can be a refreshing change to referee in a totally diff style to your usual, if for no other reason than to remind you why you dont do certain things when it matters
I did have a bit of banter with the players about the kits, there was two lads one left back and one right wing up against each other both in all black kit.

One lad asked at the start as i was in black do you have a change of top and i said no matter what i change into il still clash with someone.