Want my first promotion


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
This season has been my first full one and I’ve done around 20-25 youth games over the last year. I’m 18 (I’ll be 19 when the new season begins) and I’m really thinking about going into OA in order to get my first promotion. In my county there are quite a few who are younger than me and some are already at L5 (very deservedly) and don’t want to ‘fall behind’. I’m trying to get more games (and harder games) before the end of the season in order to prepare myself. What are some good ideas for transitioning into OA football?
A&H International
Take your time! Your first OA football experience will probably be either sunday league football, or step 7 and below of the non-league system. It's a lot lonelier than youth games, and I don't enjoy the adult games I do on my own anywhere near as much as the ones I'm on the line for or the youth games. You could also contact your local step 7/6 league and as a 7 (correct me if I'm wrong) you'll be qualified to run the line for them.

I think the deadline to apply for promotion this year may have passed, unless it differs by county.

Get used to being called a huge number of names, being intimidated when you have to make a big call, and walk off feeling like you're the bad guy despite having gotten everything (or as close as possible) right - youth teams and their coaches/spectators seem to have a fairly good attitude toward referees as far as I've seen this season, with a few unpleasant exceptions, while almost every adult game I've had to do I've had players screaming at me even over obvious complaints.

Case in point: I gave a second penalty on sunday for a high boot in the penalty area - the offender tried complaining but his boot was about three mm from the attacker's head! The whole team refused to shake hands at the end, and ultimately if they're going to be arsey about it, you'll have to let them. Don't let them push you around or intimidate you, though; you know the Laws, and your job is to enforce them and protect the players. I've gone on a bit of a rant here so I'll finish by wishing you luck!
In my county there are quite a few who are younger than me and some are already at L5 (very deservedly) and don’t want to ‘fall behind’.
Focus on yourself, there is no falling behind. Those level 5s may be flying now, but once they get to 4 and above, they can get promoted or demoted. The best will rise up the ranks, others will stagnate and some will fall. I'd say get half a season of OA under your belt before going for promotion.
My personal view is and always will be; Get into OA as soon as you're eligible and forgo the youth fixtures for it if necessary. You're only going to get better by putting yourself out there and testing yourself in the adult game, preferably a good Saturday league.

And apply for promotion, even if you think you're not ready. If you don't, you're just wasting an entire season's worth of advice that will come from assessments. If you apply, if you fail it doesn't matter, all it's proven is you were right, you weren't ready, but now you have a wealth of assessment comments to focus on things you need to improve, be it positioning or decision making etc.

And if you pass and get promoted, then you were clearly ready.
Also, am i right in thinking that one has to be reffing OA in the season preceding promotion.? 20 games or wotnot
Yup, there has to be contact for a DFK or PK, so PIADM is the only option
Nope :) If contact, it has to be DFK/PK (not the same as there has to be contact for DFK/PK). If no contact it can be DFK/PK or or IFK. Attempting to trip, attempting to strike, attempting to kick are all cases where there can be no contact but a DFK/PK awarded.

OP can be justified for PK but also can be IFK. It's a YHTBT.

EDIT: Sorry i meant OP+1
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Yup, there has to be contact for a DFK or PK, so PIADM is the only option
Nope :) If contact, it has to be DFK/PK (not the same as there has to be contact for DFK/PK). If no contact it can be DFK/PK or or IFK. Attempting to trip, attempting to strike, attempting to kick are all cases where there can be no contact but a DFK/PK awarded.

OP can be justified for PK but also can be IFK. It's a YHTBT.

EDIT: Sorry i meant OP+1

I've just checked back through the law and you're right, it should have been an IFK. The boot was a gnat's fart away from the player's head but no contact, so I might concievably have gotten away with careless play, but I'll keep that in my back pocket for the next time it comes up. Learn something every day!
How do mid season promotions work, as I believe that happened to a few this season. Would you still have to do 20 OA games before promotion?
Yes, you’ll need 40+ games.

Quite a few in my county reached their 6 at the mid season and went on for 5. Plenty or rumour and counter rumour about the future of that particular system doing the rounds in my RA, and it’s not universally implemented among the CFAs so may not even be possible
Nope :) If contact, it has to be DFK/PK (not the same as there has to be contact for DFK/PK). If no contact it can be DFK/PK or or IFK. Attempting to trip, attempting to strike, attempting to kick are all cases where there can be no contact but a DFK/PK awarded.

OP can be justified for PK but also can be IFK. It's a YHTBT.

EDIT: Sorry i meant OP+1
I thought i might be technically wrong when i posted 😁
Interesting topic however. Can't recall seeing 'attempt to' getting penalized. Likewise, can't recall seeing PIADM resulting in an IFK inside the PA
So @JBeil awarding of a PK has been officially ratified 🤓
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I thought i might be technically wrong when i posted 😁
Interesting topic however. Can't recall seeing 'attempt to' getting penalized. Likewise, can't recall seeing PIADM resulting in an IFK inside the PA
So @JBeil awarding of a PK has been officially ratified 🤓
For reference:
"If an offence involves contact it is penalised by a direct free kick or
penalty kick."

As for not seeing PIADM in the PA, there has been a clip on here in the past, but it is very rare so unsurprising you haven't seen it.
For reference:
"If an offence involves contact it is penalised by a direct free kick or
penalty kick."

As for not seeing PIADM in the PA, there has been a clip on here in the past, but it is very rare so unsurprising you haven't seen it.
Off topic somewhat, but was there a time when obstruction was penalised by an IDFK??
WRT PIADM, I'd quite enjoy the opportunity to award an IDFK against a defensive player in the PA
I fancy there'd be no complaints from either team if identified correctly. The defensive team would sigh breathe a sigh of relief on realising it's not a PK and the offensive team would be placated by the challenge of scoring from close range (albeit with a wall of players to beat)
Also, am i right in thinking that one has to be reffing OA in the season preceding promotion.? 20 games or wotnot

Not at our CFA. A level 7 who qualifies in February can apply straight for promotion. Not the best way to do it, but no requirement from the previous season
Not at our CFA. A level 7 who qualifies in February can apply straight for promotion. Not the best way to do it, but no requirement from the previous season
OK, that's defo not allowed in Hertfordshire
We must actively referee for twelve months before applying, stipulating 20 OA games in that period (6 of which can be youth U16 and older)
OK, that's defo not allowed in Hertfordshire
We must actively referee for twelve months before applying, stipulating 20 OA games in that period (6 of which can be youth U16 and older)

Interesting to see a difference in requirements. I'm on month 5 now and a few games into my promotion requirements for 6. Hoping to go the double to Level 5, but my line commitments may prevent me from hitting the 40 game mark.
Interesting to see a difference in requirements. I'm on month 5 now and a few games into my promotion requirements for 6. Hoping to go the double to Level 5, but my line commitments may prevent me from hitting the 40 game mark.
It goes without saying that the rules should be the same for everyone, but no surprise that 'football' can't achieve this
I think that the core requirements are the same across counties, but there is some variation around the fringes across counties.

Down here in Somerset, I don’t think the 20 qualifying games to join the promotion scheme have to all be OA (or 70% OA), although those rules are hard and fast for the qualifying games in the promotion season Likewise, the need for three games to be observed/assessed is common across counties.

In Somerset you have to pass a fitness test to go from L7 to L6, and L6 to L5, this is not standard across counties, but introduced locally to give experience of the fitness test, ready for those that progress further up the ladder. We (in Somerset) on the promotion scheme also have to act as a mentor to a new referee.

The good news for all embarking on the promotion programme 2019 20 is that it runs to May 2020, to align it with the change to have promotion run in a normal season, giving us an extra month or two to get the games in.