Weak, weak referees in my league

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RefChat Addict
For anyone that doesn't know I've gone back to playing whilst I still can.
I've got to see a lot more referees this way and one thing I now understand is why my card count was so high when I used to ref on this league.
I was cleaning up after other referees failed to do their job.
The referee's decision making was fine today but he took abuse for NINETY MINUTES.
The other team are bunch of local chav a**eholes that complain about EVERYTHING, threaten our players with violence whenever they get tackled etc.
The game wasn't dirt at all but the constant, loud dissent just ruined the enjoyment of the game for me. It's so boring tiresome especially when you consider what a **** level we all play at.
Then in the 85th minute one of out players is pulled to the ground when we were breaking (and were 3-2) down. Nice tactical foul, he's taken one for the team. EVERYONE knows it's a caution.... except one man.
The ref obv thought he had managed the game so well he didn't want to tarnish it with a late caution.
Basically he is cheating us by allowing that player the option of doing it again.
Boring overlong rant. Apologies. But these refs ruin low level football for me.
Do your job or hang up the whistle!!
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A&H International
Come on guys. It's one thing to criticise a referee, it's another to be abusive and tell a referee to f**k off on a referee forum, even though he probably never knows about this forum.

This is what's wrong with our sport, it's pretty much acceptable to be abusive towards a referee when you think they have had a poor game. And sometimes they have actually had a poor game or they are just not a good referee in general but it's never acceptable.

That last sentence ruined the whole post for me.
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On games like that you can't win as referee though. Last weekend I had to endure 90 minutes of this kind of abuse and this type of game. Yes, I used the cards; both colours, and was lucky to get out of there in one piece. County and league informed. So maybe this referee knew the teams involved and was looking at survival.
I agree that there are a few referees who put up with too much and let it go every week though.
For me it's all about how the referee handles the dissent early doors. As a player, if the ref wasn't doing anything then bingo, you're going to make his day as uncomfortable as possible, going in harder than usually allowed and if he blows up giving it him about the occasions when he's done nothing when the other team did the same. Players and managers will know within a few minutes how the refs going to respond to certain situations and what u can get away with.

I've tried to learn from that as a ref and the first bit of dissent in isolating the player and making a big deal of it. The majority of the time it works. Of course, there's some teams who will just give it all game and you've set your standard so the cards will be flowing but it's pretty rare and it's far better than allowing yourself to be abused for 90 minutes and then giving up because you inevitably got sick of it
"I'm going to complain about the referees who actually still go out and referee games while I've decided I can't be bothered at the moment."

Nice one pal. :poop::poop::poop:

Yes, yes can't be bothered.
I guess the games I do the other 6 days of the week don't count.
Also the, what, 300+ amateur matches I've refereed over the past 12 years certainly point to someone who can't be bothered.
Go back to your referee bubble "pal". I'll try not to criticise any of your brothers in arms ever again :cry:
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Come on guys. It's one thing to criticise a referee, it's another to be abusive and tell a referee to f**k off on a referee forum, even though he probably never knows about this forum.

This is what's wrong with our sport, it's pretty much acceptable to be abusive towards a referee when you think they have had a poor game. And sometimes they have actually had a poor game or they are just not a good referee in general but it's never acceptable.

That last sentence ruined the whole post for me.
Come on guys. It's one thing to criticise a referee, it's another to be abusive and tell a referee to f**k off on a referee forum, even though he probably never knows about this forum.

This is what's wrong with our sport, it's pretty much acceptable to be abusive towards a referee when you think they have had a poor game. And sometimes they have actually had a poor game or they are just not a good referee in general but it's never acceptable.

That last sentence ruined the whole post for me.

Note, I didn't say a WORD to the referee on the day and my post makes no mention of him, the teams, the venue so how this can possible be construed as abuse I don't know.
Basically I'm angry because my team are a bit "wet" so when we come against the one or two arseh*le teams in the league they have an advantage when our ref is weak. How is that fair on my team.
I'm also angry because I've reffed this team in the past and had to dish out 5 cautions and a red because of refs like him.
I'm not going to back a referee that makes my life harder just because he's fellow ref.
I don't care about getting decisions wrong for obvious reasons. But if you're not willing to dish out the mandatory cards you shouldn't be a ref!
Refs come in all shapes and sizes, with varying experience, tolerance, fitness levels, ability, awareness, and every other buzz word
A huge number simply service the game.
When am obersering, there will sometimes refs on the other parks who are ref only by the strip they are wearing, But. No them. No game.
Clearly its not good to hear of guys shirking thier duties.
But, just as your gk is not De Gea, and your striker is not Shearer,your ref is not going to be Collinia.
Your ref yesterday prob went home quite happy.
Had you had the next big thing as your ref, then by sounds of it, your game could have been terminated by 30 mins anyway
Swings and roundabouts.

Did you ask nicely after the game why he never took the caution?
By establishing that, we get a better idea as to whether to slate him. Not saying it makes it ok, but, leaving the abuse aside, missing a yc with five mins to go, does not sound horrendous.

Refs should not be immune from criticism. But a lot of them do deserve a bit of lea way.

No ref, no game.
On games like that you can't win as referee though. Last weekend I had to endure 90 minutes of this kind of abuse and this type of game. Yes, I used the cards; both colours, and was lucky to get out of there in one piece. County and league informed. So maybe this referee knew the teams involved and was looking at survival.
I agree that there are a few referees who put up with too much and let it go every week though.

I agree you get that one game a season where the cards have no effect and you've just gotta keep dishing em out. Horrible to ref.
I like to think when they've calmed down and got the bill they'll see now stupid they've been
But 95% they get the message after the first caution for dissent in the 7th minute. And we can't be afraid to issue the cautions or we shouldn't be on that game. (Hey, I've been out of depth on matches before and it's not fun).
Note, I didn't say a WORD to the referee on the day and my post makes no mention of him, the teams, the venue so how this can possible be construed as abuse I don't know.
Basically I'm angry because my team are a bit "wet" so when we come against the one or two arseh*le teams in the league they have an advantage when our ref is weak. How is that fair on my team.
I'm also angry because I've reffed this team in the past and had to dish out 5 cautions and a red because of refs like him.
I'm not going to back a referee that makes my life harder just because he's fellow ref.
I don't care about getting decisions wrong for obvious reasons. But if you're not willing to dish out the mandatory cards you shouldn't be a ref!

No one is asking you to back a referee. I am not even saying you shouldn't criticise a referee. Some of your points are valid. Some not so much so but your opinion and if I don't agree with I would still respect. My point is you are contributing to culture that encourages referee abuse. If you can't see that there isn't much I can do.
Refs come in all shapes and sizes, with varying experience, tolerance, fitness levels, ability, awareness, and every other buzz word
A huge number simply service the game.
When am obersering, there will sometimes refs on the other parks who are ref only by the strip they are wearing, But. No them. No game.
Clearly its not good to hear of guys shirking thier duties.
But, just as your gk is not De Gea, and your striker is not Shearer,your ref is not going to be Collinia.
Your ref yesterday prob went home quite happy.
Had you had the next big thing as your ref, then by sounds of it, your game could have been terminated by 30 mins anyway
Swings and roundabouts.

Did you ask nicely after the game why he never took the caution?
By establishing that, we get a better idea as to whether to slate him. Not saying it makes it ok, but, leaving the abuse aside, missing a yc with five mins to go, does not sound horrendous.

Refs should not be immune from criticism. But a lot of them do deserve a bit of lea way.

No ref, no game.

Fair post Ciley.
I never approach a ref after a match as I used to hate the ol' "I've a ref too and...." when I reffed on this league.
Also hard not to just sound likes sour grapes after a 3-2 defeat.
You are correct that the constant dissent was worse than the caution bottling. It may sound weird how dissent at the ref can ruin a game for a player but it was nonstop, my ears still hurt!
As I've said, his decison making was spot on. So be a really good ref all he has to do is decide he is going to do the unfun stuff.
Honestly if he didn't caution for dissent in this match I fail to see how he could have ever issued a dissent caution ever in his career.
No one is asking you to back a referee. I am not even saying you shouldn't criticise a referee. Some of your points are valid. Some not so much so but your opinion and if I don't agree with I would still respect. My point is you are contributing to culture that encourages referee abuse. If you can't see that there isn't much I can do.

OP edited to remove unnecessary langauge
On reflection too, I know I have done it, and I think a lot of refs will have too, and that is, for better/worse, or right/wrong, its true to say sometimes we give too much lea way on the occasions we should be giving less.
Example, you know before hand one team has a reputation, some refs plan of attack will be to go in heavy handed from the off.
And in reverse, some refs will, allow them the first few yc tackles to go with a warning, same with dissent, some refs style will be zero tolerance and cards from the off, some will accept and know its going to happen, and focus on the ultimate more important task, refereeing the game as a whole, rather than just giving free kicks etc.
Managing the whole game overall, your ref yesterday prob driving home content, minimum fuss and 40 quid in pocket.
Whereas a diff ref on the game would still be typing his reports even today, and looking at his 40 quid wondering if it was really worth it.
On reflection too, I know I have done it, and I think a lot of refs will have too, and that is, for better/worse, or right/wrong, its true to say sometimes we give too much lea way on the occasions we should be giving less.
Example, you know before hand one team has a reputation, some refs plan of attack will be to go in heavy handed from the off.
And in reverse, some refs will, allow them the first few yc tackles to go with a warning, same with dissent, some refs style will be zero tolerance and cards from the off, some will accept and know its going to happen, and focus on the ultimate more important task, refereeing the game as a whole, rather than just giving free kicks etc.
Managing the whole game overall, your ref yesterday prob driving home content, minimum fuss and 40 quid in pocket.
Whereas a diff ref on the game would still be typing his reports even today, and looking at his 40 quid wondering if it was really worth it.

£40 I need a transfer across the border! Perhaps the wrong thing to say but the reality is that no ref no game. It would be interesting if you could have 5 mins with him after the game and politely ask why he dealt with the dissent in the way that he did. The honest answer is probably because that's the way that has the least negative effect on him. That's human nature sometimes.

As I finished my nomadic playing career, I played some amateur Saturday afternoon stuff for 2 or 3 seasons. Not a bad standard really but amateur all the same. No ARs, pay to play, refs mainly pensioners. The abuse that they got from some of my team mates and managers was ridiculous. They did it because it worked and truth be told, when it's a big game I was hoping it would work. The fact remains that the ref was deciding to deal with it in the way he saw fit and which was best for him and we csnt blame them for that, their decision is final and that's that. They're that way because the game has moulded them that way and after years of being shouted at, who can blame them?

These pensioners were more important than anyone, they keep the grass roots game going and when it's all calmed down I appreciated that more than anything.

No ref no game....even if the ref is bobbins and the players are dross 🤣🤣
They weren't all pensioners btw, some were young lads who were dressed like a PL ref, boots more expensive than mine, kit in a casket case etc. Some were scared of their own shadow and were absolutely clueless. Cards like confetti for the technicalities, 2 footed knee high leg breaking tackles, not even a word! Occasionally we'd get a very good ref who was clearly on the road up the pyramid, wasted on us lot.

Same with the players. 2 Or 3 of us that were above the standard we're playing, either finishing a career or couldn't be bothered to try to get to a higher level and preferred Stella to training. And a load of lads who were rubbish, wearing expensive boots, under armour etc. Scared of their own shadow, given minutes because we might be short one week.

Then there's the managers. Young lads who think they're the next pep after reading too many coaching blogs but couldn't talk to players and had no discipline. Some that picked the 442 team and then stood around and did nothing. Just in it so that he's got 15 blokes to booze with afterwards! Occasionally there's be a very good one who was destined for better things or couldn't be bothered going higher ad just l8ke managing his mates.theres a pattern here.....
sionally there's be a very good one who was destined for better things or couldn't be bothered going higher ad just l8ke managing his mates.theres a pattern here....

I am in stitches 😂😂😂
Possibly my favourite ever post on this forum.
Yes, yes can't be bothered.
I guess the games I do the other 6 days of the week don't count.
Also the, what, 300+ amateur matches I've refereed over the past 12 years certainly point to someone who can't be bothered.
Go back to your referee bubble "pal". I'll try not to criticise any of your brothers in arms ever again :cry:[/QUOTE

I hardly agree with you at all. Get off your high horse and put on the yellow some more. To bash referees on a forum, even though you state no names were involved. what you said was the referees in this league are blah blah blah. And to say 300 plus games gives you the right to bash the referees. If you dont agree with the calls on the field, as a referee maybe you should be more proactive. Like the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words! And 300 plus games in 12 years....for real? Try running a 120 plus each year for over 10 years and get back to me. We have similiar issues here but I would never bash any referee publicly and again your statement saying no names were said, but you said the word referee which in my mind includes everyone that puts on the yellow week in and week out, I take offense to that. Makes me wonder why you are not a part of the team anymore!
@IslandReferee what an odd comment, why does the number of games you do a year have anything to do with it? A plethora of reasons why one wouldn’t be able to do 120 a year (availability of games, your availability, work, family etc.). Strange
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