2019 L3 promotion


New Member
Has anyone heard any rumours of how many new L3 referees the FA may be looking to take for the 2019/20 season?
A&H International
Some say lots (more than last year), others say not many. Depends on where you are in the country and a number of other factors. You'll find out the facts in early May.
Some say lots (more than last year), others say not many. Depends on where you are in the country and a number of other factors. You'll find out the facts in early May.
That and you need refs to have achieved the positions in the merit table. More chance of retaining potebtial demotees than promoting L4s not in promo positions.
With VAR in PL I think we'll see most of if not all SG 2 promoted to PL. Which naturally will create a suction affect across the levels down to L4. That said I stand by the main point in my post is that if you ain't in a promotion position you ain't going level 3.
Anyone here hopeful ? Paker ? JamesL ?

Incidentally, I also believe there will be a fair few reprieves in addition to a relatively large shift upward from 2A to 3 dependant on VAR requirements and alleged retirements.
Very true, no point worrying about it unless you're AA/AB or thereabouts, but we have this discussion every year so for the benefit of the OP - no one really knows until those magical emails are sent in May.
That's fair, I heard where I've finished informally and got told that supply leagues aren't to release final bandings until any promotions are confirmed by the FA.
Don't know how it will work for me. I moved pools mid season. Wasn't in great form for clubs before I moved. Middle of road for assessors but feel like I have had a good run down here but haven't seen or heard where I might place in banding so I am going with I don't think I am going this year.
How does it work if you are on two pools?

One uni student told me he was AC, and DE on another pooL..
Heard that in the past, guys AA in one pool but not on another have been promoted.
Of course that's conjecture but AC/DE sounds low.
You still sound incredibly bitter SF, I know of a level 3 who barely officiates as he is in the army. Sometimes going months at a time without a single fixture.
Others at 4/3 close mid week for the duration of the season, some I know close 1 if not 2 of the Saturdays in a month!
I asked, the season finished end February so the details are all finalised.

That surprises me. The Pools are specificially told that they cannot release the end of marking seasons bandings until the FA releases the names of promotions (at least at L4)

@es1 - you won't know until Chris is allowed to release the bandings.

Given the VAR at EPL - don't expect many promotions from SG2 to cover. In the shirt term, they are likely to retain ex SG1 to cover VAR duties; so maybe expanding SG1 to 22 referees (up 4/5).

There is an excess of L2A and L2B referees so, don't expect more L3 promotions as a result. The retaining criteria for L3 is strict and will probably be enforced, as they are looking for promotion candidates at L3.

L4 promotions - unless you are AA or AB, don't expect the email. You should know from your mid-season bandings if you are in line. Then even if you are AB or AB, it is not automatic you will get the email.

There have been instances of a referee being in the banding but not taken for various reasons. I know if one referee who was CC the year before, and the FA felt it was a freak
result; another was unavailable most mid weeks so couldn't do the number of matches required.

The power is in the hands of the FA - nobody has an inside track, the lists came out 1st May last year. I would expect the same timescale this year.
You still sound incredibly bitter SF, I know of a level 3 who barely officiates as he is in the army. Sometimes going months at a time without a single fixture.
Others at 4/3 close mid week for the duration of the season, some I know close 1 if not 2 of the Saturdays in a month!
Not bitter in the slightest, I appreciate it’s not for everyone, it was my choice, others want to progress, good luck to all, just ignore those club marks 👍
That surprises me. The Pools are specificially told that they cannot release the end of marking seasons bandings until the FA releases the names of promotions (at least at L4)

@es1 - you won't know until Chris is allowed to release the bandings.

Yeah fully aware how the system works, I've been doing it long enough!! As you are, I'm amazed other pools work differently.