Pre-match warm up


Well-Known Member
Hi all, at the moment my pre-match warm up is a few stretches and maybe a few minutes on a foam roller - I'm just wondering what you do as a pre-match warm up?
A&H International
Totally depends on your fitness. If you're fit then refereeing is not physically challenging. Stretches and a bit of a jog/sprint session is fine.

People get confused with what they're trying to achieve in a warm up. The idea is to prepare the muscles which you're going to use. I've seen people warming up in a way I wouldn't do for a triathlon never mind a pub standard amateur football match. Stretch the relevant leg muscles and put them through a small jog/Sprint session after and you're good to go. A few minutes tops.
Depends on you and the level of play. The more intense the level of play, the more important the warm up is. And as we age, it is more important as well. My concern is making sure that, for the level of the game, I'm ready for an early sprint as I fear that as the biggest injury risk.

My warm up is a jog for half or a full circuit of the field. I then do a few shuttles from the goal line to the edge of the penalty area. I do a routine out then jog back. They are varied and include jog out and back, backwards run out and back, sideways and back (other) sideways and back, high knees and back, bum kicks and back, kick outs and back, hamstring walk out and walk back. I do enough to get out of breath for around 5 minutes, then have a drink, call the teams in and get the admin done, before getting ready for kick off.

This suits me, the level I work at and the satisfies the teams that I'm taking it seriously. In fact I've lost count of the times I've heard "The ref's doing a warm up!". Tells me a lot of others don't.
Fridge, Tinny, Couch, assume the armchair VAR disgust position, prepare to forget all you thought you knew that stood you in great stead! And breath
I've never suffered from muscle injuries and don't feel any need to warm up. I do so however, because it's an important aspect of communicating the right messages to observant eyes

My warm up is a jog for half or a full circuit of the field. I then do a few shuttles from the goal line to the edge of the penalty area. I do a routine out then jog back. They are varied and include jog out and back, backwards run out and back, sideways and back (other) sideways and back, high knees and back, bum kicks and back, kick outs and back, hamstring walk out and walk back. I do enough to get out of breath for around 5 minutes, then have a drink, call the teams in and get the admin done, before getting ready for kick off.

Thats a lot of work for an observation. Mine is a simple, slow walk to a good point to watch the match. :p
Having of course before then eaten half a pack of biscuits and drunk coffee in the board room .... :)
Loving this forum right now.

My warm up as described, is for when I referee (which is usually restricted to junior football at the moment). I'm currently "resting" for observing as I'm going through a career change which entails a full year of training. I tend not to eat the biscuits in the boardroom, just drink their coffee :)
Loving this forum right now.

My warm up as described, is for when I referee (which is usually restricted to junior football at the moment). I'm currently "resting" for observing as I'm going through a career change which entails a full year of training. I tend not to eat the biscuits in the boardroom, just drink their coffee :)
Aren’t their enough traffic wardens already in Wakey 😂 @Brian Hamilton
It would be highly ironic if and members were actual Traffic Wardens for a living. I wonder who are the potential suspects? 🙊
Hi all, at the moment my pre-match warm up is a few stretches and maybe a few minutes on a foam roller - I'm just wondering what you do as a pre-match warm up?
Bringing the thread back on track...

I go out normally about 30 minutes before kick off.

I do a jog to start with, maybe 5 or 6 half lengths of the pitch with a gradually increasing tempo. Then some shuttles (all fairly standard stuff, bum flicks, high knees, open the gate etc). Then spend a couple of minutes stretching out any bits that are especially tight. Finally I finish with 3-4 short sprints.

I normally do a little visualization on the way back into the changing rooms to help get the mind ready too.

Takes about 10 mins tops, the muscles have been warmed up well enough and I'm in the zone for the game.

Back into changing room, out of warm up top and into game top, make sure I've got everything I need equipment wise, check of the book and teamsheet for captains and managers names, quick drink and off to get the team's out at about 7 minutes before kick off.
Mine is normally fairly similar to @Brian Hamilton

A lap or two of the pitch, then shuttles out to the center spot.

I'll do an exercise out then jog back, normal stuff side steps, hamstring walk etc. Finally maybe a couple of static stretches as I struggle with tight calves.

Doesn't normally take longer than 10-15 minutes