referee caught in traffic


RefChat Addict
apparently graham scott might miss the chelsea game because he is stuck in traffic, so the 4th official ollie langford would referee the game, with the avar coming from stockley park, i thought the ref team travelled together from a local hotel
A&H International
apparently graham scott might miss the chelsea game because he is stuck in traffic, so the 4th official ollie langford would referee the game, with the avar coming from stockley park, i thought the ref team travelled together from a local hotel
There's nothing majorly going on with the roads in the South East according to traffic websites. Maybe he just had a skinful last night :flip:
I also though the referee team got together at a local hotel to go over stuff before the game,and then all travel together.
They meet at a local hotel, but they don't stay in it unless the journey is more than a certain distance. Graham I believe lives around the Oxford area so there is no need for an overnight stay as it is little more than 55 miles and a two hour drive at most.

It was just one of those things, seems the M40 was closed due to an accident and he was stuck on it. When that happens, and it's happened to me on the way to a game, you are stuck as can't even get off to try a different route. It is only a talking point because it led to an SG2 referee making his PL debut, but as it happens I thought he did very well things considered.
Zara, please be aware that some of my posts are done so in jest. I don't let the truth get in the way of a gag or hyperbole
It was neither a gag or hyperbole, and you have a habit of accusing FIFA and IFAB of all sorts of stuff, so there is no reason to think that you wouldn't also accuse a member of SG1 and/or PGMOL of things either.
It was neither a gag or hyperbole, and you have a habit of accusing FIFA and IFAB of all sorts of stuff, so there is no reason to think that you wouldn't also accuse a member of SG1 and/or PGMOL of things either.
I am indeed critical of the sport's governing bodies, particularly FIFA and to a lessor extent IFAB. I'm perfectly entitled to be
I'm usually very supportive of the PGMOL, so you're wrong on that count. There are some SG1 refs who I rate very highly and there are others who are not up to scratch. The comments herein regarding an SG1 having a skinful the night before a game and the inference that the PGMOL were covering this up, were theories I'd bought into 100%. Clearly :egg:
Just accept that you can't read my meaning or personality and I'll pay you the same courtesy
When I checked AA Traffic, there were no major issues in the SE
Sounds like @RustyRef knew otherwise. Sometimes the traffic sites are miles behind

I wasn't in the know, but took me about 10 seconds to google "M40 closed today". Wonderful thing this t'Internet … :)
What I don't understand is how did both teams, all other officials, and the fans make it? What time was Graham planning on arriving?
That makes no sense at all. Whilst some Chelsea fans might use the M40 the number coming down from Oxfordshire is likely to be miniscule, and Leicester fans wouldn't go anywhere near that road. Richard West I believe is from Humberside so the opposite side of the country. Iain Hussin is from Merseyside and Oliver Langford West Midlands, so could easily have gone down the M6 / M1 or could have got off the M40 before it was closed. They have set arrival times for meeting at the hotel, think it is around 4 hours before the game then they head off in the shared minibus around 2 hours before kick off, so he would have been aiming for that meet time.