The Ref Stop

Any Ipswich refs?


RefChat Addict

..cos I want to know if this standard of thuggery is normal :eek::eek:

Good to see a ref that's happy to let players try and break each other's legs. He was a disgrace really.
The Ref Stop
Caution for the first tackle and it might have nipped that in the bud.

It's a great video for showing escalation though, one or two players took the non sanction to mean 'we can do anything we like today!'

The bizarre thing for me though, was he was giving free-kicks for some minor fouls but not the big hits?
Some disgraceful challenges in there, would screenshot them all but I'd be here all night. Frustrating to see dirty players get away with it because of weak refereeing.
There was a minor trip followed by a red card challenge tonight in the Barnsley game, minor trip got booked, 2nd challenge go nothing!!! Even the top boys miss stuff or choose not to act!!!
You set your standard before the kick off whistle. The way those technical areas were (not) managed set the scene for the rest of the game.
This looked to be a tough game and needed a strong referee with a lot of authority. I only saw the first half and many of challenges could have ended up in all in fight.

@deusex I take it you are or were a referee. I am sure you have had bad days as all of us have. And I am sure you would have thought it is unfair and unacceptable for other referees to call you (as a person) a disgrace. This is the type of thing you'd expect to hear from ignorant fans.

He is likely to be an experienced referee having a bad day or an inexperienced one put out of his depth by someone else. Either way this forum is not a place for abusing other referees. It should be, watch this video and take learning points from it.
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You set your standard before the kick off whistle. The way those technical areas were (not) managed set the scene for the rest of the game.
This looked to be a tough game and needed a strong referee with a lot of authority. I only saw the first half and many of challenges could have ended up in all in fight.

@deusex I take it you are or were a referee. I am sure you have had bad days as all of us have. And I am sure you would have thought it is unfair and unacceptable for other referees to call you (as a person) a disgrace. This is the type of thing you'd expect to hear from ignorant fans.

He is likely to be an experienced referee having a bad day or an inexperienced one put out of his depth by someone else. Either way this forum is not a place for abusing other referees. It should be, watch this video and take learning points from it.

I've worked with some excellent young referees and I'm looking forward to doing so again today, but there is a tendency to be very critical of other refs. I've heard some very heavy criticism of other refs they've worked with and then seen them make mistakes themselves. Refereeing at all levels can be very challenging and some days we all get it wrong. We're no different to players in that respect.
You set your standard before the kick off whistle. The way those technical areas were (not) managed set the scene for the rest of the game.
This looked to be a tough game and needed a strong referee with a lot of authority. I only saw the first half and many of challenges could have ended up in all in fight.

@deusex I take it you are or were a referee. I am sure you have had bad days as all of us have. And I am sure you would have thought it is unfair and unacceptable for other referees to call you (as a person) a disgrace. This is the type of thing you'd expect to hear from ignorant fans.

He is likely to be an experienced referee having a bad day or an inexperienced one put out of his depth by someone else. Either way this forum is not a place for abusing other referees. It should be, watch this video and take learning points from it.

It's exactly your "Leave him alone, he did his best" attitude that keeps refs like this employed.
I've had AWFUL days, couldn't get anything right, lost match control and ended with ten cautions BUT I've never just let the players kick the living sh*t out of each other and just been a spectator.
You'd prob be saying player safety is No 1 priority in the game in another post. And then you defend THIS!
That ref will be like that EVERY week. Why are we pretending those refs aren't out there?

"Disgrace" was me being kind! I hope the man never referees another adult football match in his life. He is dangerous!

When you've seen players kicked the **** out of, being threatened with violence and suffered homophoibic abuse (as I have just this season) and the ref manages to "miss" all of this, I'm struggling to sum it up with "All refs have bad days"
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It's exactly your "Leave him alone, he did his best" attitude that keeps refs like this employed.
I've had AWFUL days, couldn't get anything right, lost match control and ended with ten cautions BUT I've never just let the players kick the living sh*t out of each other and just been a spectator.
You'd prob be saying player safety is No 1 priority in the game in another post. And then you defend THIS!
That ref will be like that EVERY week. Why are we pretending those refs aren't out there?

"Disgrace" was me being kind! I hope the man never referees another adult football match in his life. He is dangerous!

When you've seen players kicked the **** out of, being threatened with violence and suffered homophoibic abuse (as I have just this season) and the ref manages to "miss" all of this, I'm struggling to sum it up with "All refs have bad days"

Err, he isn't employed he is paid a volunteers fee. And if was stopped volunteering because of someone videoing one bad performance chances are the next game like this wouldn't have a qualified referee at all and might be refereed by a manager or coach, are you suggesting that would be better? There are a lot, of very, very bad referees out there at levels 5 and below. Sadly some think they are excellent and won't take on board any kind of advice, but that doesn't mean they can or should be stopped from refereeing. I haven't got a clue who this referee is, so don't know if that was norm for one of his games or whether it was a bad day at the office that we all suffer from. Nor I suspect do you, so refereeing him to a disgrace is out of order on a refereeing forum.
Err, he isn't employed he is paid a volunteers fee. And if was stopped volunteering because of someone videoing one bad performance chances are the next game like this wouldn't have a qualified referee at all and might be refereed by a manager or coach, are you suggesting that would be better? There are a lot, of very, very bad referees out there at levels 5 and below. Sadly some think they are excellent and won't take on board any kind of advice, but that doesn't mean they can or should be stopped from refereeing. I haven't got a clue who this referee is, so don't know if that was norm for one of his games or whether it was a bad day at the office that we all suffer from. Nor I suspect do you, so refereeing him to a disgrace is out of order on a refereeing forum.

Come now, you're being pedantic. "Employed" is a deliberately generic term that can be used here.
Having no ref wouldn't be better. It'd be the same! Having no match control and taking no action.

Love how I'm the one that's of order!
No one has nearly had their leg broke because of what I've posted but yeah, I'm out of order 🙄
I've heard some very heavy criticism of other refs they've worked with and then seen them make mistakes themselves.

I can get on with that.

What I hate are the referees who slag each other off personally in the dressing room. Usually happens a few weeks after a game, "Oh you remember so and so, what an arsehole, blah blah blah".

I can't stand that. Heavens knows what they'll be saying about me behind closed doors, it's horrible behaviour and I try to steer clear of those type of people.
I think @Sheffields Finest had a decent game. Consistent throughout
TBF, we don't get to see any sanctions and it's unclear if indeed the game finishes 7 v 7
It looks like an informal local rivalry tournament game to me, the type most of which give a wide bearth
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I think @Sheffields Finest has a decent game. Consistent throughout
TBF, we don't get to see any sanctions and it's unclear if indeed the game finishes 7 v 7
It looks like an informal local rivalry tournament game to me, the type most of which give a wide bearth
Missing everything is being very consistent.....How many times are we nagged for consistency??? ;)
Missing everything is being very consistent.....How many times are we nagged for consistency??? ;)

In a less heated game this is one of my tongue-in-cheek lines. 'May have got it wrong boys but at least I'm consistently wrong!' Shows you're human. Obviously I'd do this only with an incorrect GK/soft foul etc. rather than a missed red or PK.
I believe it was a pre-season “friendly” Googling the teams they are from different counties and are both heavily into YouTube so probably set this up online. Because of this they probably just got a local ref to fill in who wouldn’t normally do this level of game and was out of his depth and tried to just let them get on with it!

One of the reasons pre-season non competitive matches are not always a good idea!
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I believe it was a pre-season “friendly” Googling the teams they are from different counties and are both heavily into YouTube so probably set this up online. Because of this they probably just got a local ref to fill in who wouldn’t normally do this level of game and was out of his depth and tried to just let them get on with it!

One of the reasons pre-season non competitive matches are not always a good idea!

Pre season games as a ref are good for helping to get match fitness and sharpness up, especially if you are likely to be observed very early in the season.

There seem to be two types of pre season games, those that are officially sanctioned by the county FA, where the appointments are done by the regular appointment secretaries and ones where the club's go out and find refs themselves, which typically are not officially sanctioned.

I'm always have to take those in the first category and avoid the second like the plague!
I can get on with that.

What I hate are the referees who slag each other off personally in the dressing room. Usually happens a few weeks after a game, "Oh you remember so and so, what an arsehole, blah blah blah".

I can't stand that. Heavens knows what they'll be saying about me behind closed doors, it's horrible behaviour and I try to steer clear of those type of people.

Even more difficult is when the managers start describing incidents from the previous week and asking a) what you would have done and b) to agree that previous week's ref was awful:(