Leisure Leagues


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Hi Guys, just wanted to gauge opinions on wether any of you do or would consider referring Leisure Leagues?
A&H International
i filled in their online form and have heard diddley squat from them

there is a contact number too - haven't tried that
Been refereeing for them for well over a year now, they got back to me in about a month I think but i didn't respond back to them for whatever reason at the time, but they got hold of me again and it went from there. With regards to them not getting back to you haywain, possibly because they have enough refs in your area (although you'd think they'd want as many as possible) but either way I think they'll probably get hold of you at any random time for an induction

It is a good experience as I refereed in these leagues before I started doing men's and I personally feel it helped me a lot in preparing for it. Although you get more abuse in these leagues as I believe is the case with a lot of 5-a-sides for whatever reason. (seen from playing and refereeing)
20 quid for 2 hours for standing on the sideline (due to much smaller pitches, little point of standing in the way in the middle) and not having to do all that much is pretty good in my opinion.
Hi Claddagh, I've been doing it for about 4 months, and I personally hate it!! I don't think it adds anything to my "proper" refereeing, I do 4 hours on a Sunday night, and from the moment it starts to the moment it ends, it's just constant abuse, 4 hours for £40 , I'd rather have my Sundays at home. I only do it for petrol money in the week, I've sent off and cautioned players every week without fail for verbal. Not my cup of tea, but each to there own.
Thanks Guys. Gotta say that your feedback on the abuse levels are pretty much what I've been told from colleagues, but that doesn't worry me greatly. Truth is the £20 for a couple of hrs standing on the sideline of a 5-a-side game should be pretty easy, & what with all the recent cancellations on Saturday & Sunday games, I think it's worth trying
The problem with 5 a side and other small sided games is that these are run as commercial concerns. This occasionally interferes with the disciplinary process and local arrangements/guidance often leave this process in the hands of the centre where the games are played. As they do not want to lose revenue, they can demonstrate reluctance to take proper action against troublesome individuals/teams and are more likely to take action against teams who don't pay on time each week.
Although I agree with you completely Brian, the two times I've seen a team go two far with their behaviour (not me reffing) it's been reported to leisure leagues and they've kicked them out straight away, although I have a feeling it could be down to a very good area manager to be honest though.
And Rich, nothing wrong with having both, always enjoyed leisure leagues personally so I'm happy to do it
Yeah I agree, leisure leagues do kick out a fair few teams, it's a business at the end of the day and getting rid of the idiots keeps more and attracts more teams
Leisure leagues sound a lot like the casual indoor or 5v5 outdoor games you get around the place in New Zealand. And no, I don't referee them, I play in them, just to remind myself that I'm a terrible player and should stick to reffing.

I've never come across the sort of discipline problems you've described though.