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A&H International
Didn't he disappear not long after the thing with the artist formerly know as man in black during the men's world cup?
He talked a lot of sense TBF... Very experienced referee but unfortunately didn't suffer fools (not saying that was you HYD)... Some people can't handle debating with highly articulate people without throwing their toys out with the pram! It was a loss to the Forum when he left!!!
I learned quite a lot from him (I like a firm hand!), but can see why most found him intolerable
I didn’t, it was quite comical at times, seeing him correct imperfections to some members ‘advice’ like a Don.
He reminded me of Sundial on the old site. Microscopic attention to detail and had to just let you know!
He talked a lot of sense TBF... Very experienced referee but unfortunately didn't suffer fools (not saying that was you HYD)... Some people can't handle debating with highly articulate people without throwing their toys out with the pram! It was a loss to the Forum when he left!!!
Yes he talked sense, was just unbelievably patronising, his standard rebuke was calling people "last week's ref".
In the end I swerved any threads he was involved in and he stopped inexperienced referees posting sensible questions.
Yes he talked sense, was just unbelievably patronising, his standard rebuke was calling people "last week's ref".
In the end I swerved any threads he was involved in and he stopped inexperienced referees posting sensible questions.
Yes, he was often brusque but rarely incorrect in detail. I had a customer last week spouting incorrect HSE guidance to his boss and I couldn’t help myself in putting him straight. 2 hours later I’d quoted a 100k job and got a lovely thank you email in response thanking me and complimenting me on my knowledge on the matter!
Yes, it could of gone wrong but common sense prevails! Did he walk or was he pushed?
Yes, he was often brusque but rarely incorrect in detail. I had a customer last week spouting incorrect HSE guidance to his boss and I couldn’t help myself in putting him straight. 2 hours later I’d quoted a 100k job and got a lovely thank you email in response thanking me and complimenting me on my knowledge on the matter!
Yes, it could of gone wrong but common sense prevails! Did he walk or was he pushed?
Nothing wrong with putting someone straight, it's how you do it. Padfoot did not have the interpersonal skills to do it effectively.
Yes, he was often brusque but rarely incorrect in detail. I had a customer last week spouting incorrect HSE guidance to his boss and I couldn’t help myself in putting him straight. 2 hours later I’d quoted a 100k job and got a lovely thank you email in response thanking me and complimenting me on my knowledge on the matter!
Yes, it could of gone wrong but common sense prevails! Did he walk or was he pushed?
Oi that's my job, you're not qualified.....
It was not what he said, it was how he said it.

Was he loss to the forum? If this was a forum of all seasoned referees, absolutely. But there is a good mix of new and very young referees on the forum.
He did bring out the worst in some people, it was not what he said but sometimes how he said it was the issue. The threads could sometimes get very interesting and then lock down occured!
Question deserves a response.

Short answer is it reached the point where enough was enough a line needed to be drawn under it.

Polarising figure, source of umpteen complaints and reports and in the end behaviour went beyond the acceptable on several occasions.

Note: This thread may be deleted in the near future to avoid any further issues. For now it will stay as an answer to a question.
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