Your Marks Will Be Low


Well-Known Member
Wondered what referees’ views were on the suggestion by a player that your marks will be low. I had an incident in my first OA game last Sunday for several years, in which a player, who wasn’t backward in coming forward, suggested my marks will be low, following my sin binning of his massive centre half.

I said to him I’m 52, I’m not going for promotion, I’m not bothered what marks you give me so I am your worst nightmare. I was going to say any more threats and you’ll be in the book in the hope that someone would tell me his name was Pike.

Thinking back, I could’ve been a bit more jovial (I’ve been told to smile more by my daughter) but then again, he didn’t gob off anymore so maybe it worked in this specific situation.

Wondered how others dealt with this threatening behaviour? I didn’t deem it as a YC straight away.
A&H International
I'd have just laughed it off with something like "Mate, you're saying it like I should actually give a monkey's!!" :D
I sent a manager off this year, as I did he remarked that it would be reflected in my marks (I'd sent 2 of his players off too!).

Whatever he marked me it wasn't too detrimental to my overall marks as I was 11th in our pool when the bandings were released!
"I'll still be higher in the league table than your team" would be an appropriate but perhaps risky response :)

Not really a lot you can do, just laugh it off and get on with refereeing the game.
I got this a few times, I told them to make them minus, anything you liked,

I’d then tell them that they’d tried hard this season with a new FA initiative to get particular refs to suit the standards of the players and managers on show and I 100% agreed with his assessment! 😂❤️😂