Defender in the wall on a DFK


Active Member
Level 4 Referee
Just after your thoughts on the following..

I've had a few instances of an attacker being within a metre of the defensive wall (of three or more defenders) this season. What I'd like to discuss is how do you deal with it? Do you..

A) Wait for the kick to be taken and blow for an IDFK - it's not your fault they don't know the laws..


B) Have a word with the pesky attacker and distance them (possibly helping him?)...

Personally, I have done both. The first time it happened it was result of a DFK for handball I gave right on the edge of the PA - which I genuinely believe was incorrect by the amount of disbelief by the defending team - so I was happy to not tell the attacker to move and blew for an IDFK to the defending team as the ball flew into the goal!
A&H International
This is interesting. The Law specifically says you award an IFK if the attacker is too close. I say interesting because there's no instruction for the referee to delay the kick until such distance is given nor the ability to retake for an offence.

In which case both A and B are correct for me and I can definitely see why you did A in your scenario.

The intent of the Law is to penalise attackers who are disrupting the defence from building an effective wall so (for good game management and as Social Lurker suggests) my first call would be to instruct the attacker to distance himself. Beyond that though it's up to them if they comply - and if they don't it's an IFK.
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When the defensive wall is less then 10 yards do you

A. Allow the free kick then caution the players in wall and retake? or

B. Asked the wall to move back?

The answer is B for my and your question. I don't see any difference when managing distances at restarts.

If you go A in you question then you must also caution the player for C5.
I had one where the player smashed in a 25 yarder into top bins and I disallowed it because of an attacker being directly infront of the wall,i wasn't looking for it I just spotted it. Surprisingly though nobody was giving me any aggro and they were miffed with their attacker cos he should have known the rule change.

But I've learned from that and now when I'm counting the 10yds I just tell the attackers to stay out of the wall and I have a quick check before I blow for the kick to be taken to make sure they have. I just don't want to be disallowing 25yd screamers if I can help it
Just after your thoughts on the following..

I've had a few instances of an attacker being within a metre of the defensive wall (of three or more defenders) this season. What I'd like to discuss is how do you deal with it? Do you..

A) Wait for the kick to be taken and blow for an IDFK - it's not your fault they don't know the laws..


B) Have a word with the pesky attacker and distance them (possibly helping him?)...

I'd always go with the "manage it" option first.

In much the same way that I always loudly warn a defending player to back off if he immediately moves towards the ball after I've blown for the free kick. At grass roots level (possibly even higher) many technical offences are committed due to player ignorance of the LOTG and not much else. I prefer to educate if I can. Refereeing with no surprises has always worked better for me. :)
I'd always go with the "manage it" option first.

In much the same way that I always loudly warn a defending player to back off if he immediately moves towards the ball after I've blown for the free kick. At grass roots level (possibly even higher) many technical offences are committed due to player ignorance of the LOTG and not much else. I prefer to educate if I can. Refereeing with no surprises has always worked better for me. :)

While I fully agree with your point, this approach can also lead to trouble: I once gave an IFK to the attack, somewhere close to penalty spot. I got defenders ten yards away and warned them to stay put until ball was kicked. I whistled and defenders all immediately raced towards the ball. Attacker tapped ball sideways about 1 foot. Defenders were only about 3 yards from ball as she did so. I whistled again and called "hold it, hold it!" As I was doing this, second attacker lifted ball over on-rushing defenders in a glorious lob, straight over keeper too and into top corner. I had to disallow this amazing goal and give a retake. Next time, I will wait a few seconds first and see if my "manage it" skills are even needed.
That's not the same approach though, as you've stopped play with the whistle as opposed to Kes using his voice to dissuade an onrushing player.
That's not the same approach though, as you've stopped play with the whistle as opposed to Kes using his voice to dissuade an onrushing player.

Yeah, I think he's possibly misunderstood me to be fair. ;)

When I said ....

I always loudly warn a defending player to back off if he immediately moves towards the ball after I've blown for the free kick.

.... I of course meant to say "after I've blown for the foul".

I think maybe Ganajin is assuming I meant blowing for the FK to be taken. (?) :)
While I fully agree with your point, this approach can also lead to trouble: I once gave an IFK to the attack, somewhere close to penalty spot. I got defenders ten yards away and warned them to stay put until ball was kicked. I whistled and defenders all immediately raced towards the ball. Attacker tapped ball sideways about 1 foot. Defenders were only about 3 yards from ball as she did so. I whistled again and called "hold it, hold it!" As I was doing this, second attacker lifted ball over on-rushing defenders in a glorious lob, straight over keeper too and into top corner. I had to disallow this amazing goal and give a retake. Next time, I will wait a few seconds first and see if my "manage it" skills are even needed.
See you already managed them in the Valdes part and what happened next is not management anymore.

I hope you cautioned at least one of the defenders. Management doesn't mean not cautioning when one is due. It means trying to avoid it in the first place.